You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

110 lines
2.3 KiB

"use strict";
const babelify = require( "babelify" );
const bodyParser = require( "body-parser" );
const browserify = require( "browserify" );
const express = require( "express" );
const layout = require( "express-layout" );
const glob = require( "glob" ).sync;
const logger = require( "morgan" );
const { join } = require( "path" );
const path = ( ) => join( __dirname, );
/* Setup */
const app = express();
app.set( "views", path( "website", "views" ) );
app.set( "view engine", "ejs" );
app.use( logger( "dev" ) );
app.use( express.static( path( "website" ) ) );
app.use( "/benchmark", express.static( path( "test", "benchmark" ) ) );
app.use( "/examples", express.static( path( "examples" ) ) );
app.use( layout() );
app.use( ( req, res, next ) => {
res.locals.req = req;
} );
app.locals.menuItem = ( req, id, title ) => {
const className = req.path === "/" + id ? " class=\"current\"" : "";
return `<a ${ className } href="/${ id }">${ title }</a>`;
/* Routes */
app.get( "/", ( req, res ) => {
res.render( "index", { title: "" } );
} );
app.get( "/online", ( req, res ) => {
res.render( "online", { title: "Online version", layout: "layout-online" } );
} ); "/online/download", bodyParser.urlencoded( { extended: false, limit: "1024kb" } ), ( req, res ) => {
res.set( "Content-Type", "application/javascript" );
res.set( "Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=parser.js" );
res.send( req.body.source );
} );
app.get( "/documentation", ( req, res ) => {
res.render( "documentation", { title: "Documentation" } );
} );
app.get( "/development", ( req, res ) => {
res.render( "development", { title: "Development" } );
} );
app.get( "/download", ( req, res ) => {
res.redirect( 301, "/#download" );
} );
app.get( "/spec", ( req, res ) => {
res.render( "spec", { title: "Spec Suite" } );
} );
app.get( "/benchmark", ( req, res ) => {
res.render( "benchmark", { title: "Benchmark Suite" } );
} );
app.get( "/:dir/bundle.js", ( req, res ) => {
browserify( glob( `${ __dirname }/test/${ req.params.dir }/**/*.js` ) )
.transform( babelify )
.pipe( res );
} );
/* Main */
app.listen( 80, () => {
console.log( "The PEG.js website is running on the localhost in %s mode...", app.get( "env" ) );
} );