Before there used to be some internal utility methods for arrays and objects, but as the code base moved to ES5+ use case only, these were removed in favour of native alternatives, but most of these were only beneficial for arrays. This commit add's common utility methods for objects, and also exposes these as they can be used by plugin developer's on the PEG.js AST.
200 lines
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200 lines
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"use strict";
const chai = require( "chai" );
const util = require( "pegjs-dev" ).util;
const expect = chai.expect;
describe( "PEG.js Utility API", function () {
describe( "util.convertPasses", function () {
const passes = {
stage1: {
pass1() { },
pass2() { },
pass3() { }
stage2: {
pass1() { },
pass2() { }
stage3: {
pass1() { }
function expectPasses( result ) {
expect( result ).to.be.an( "object" );
expect( result.stage1 )
.to.be.an( "array" )
.and.to.have.a.lengthOf( 3 );
expect( result.stage2 )
.to.be.an( "array" )
.and.to.have.a.lengthOf( 2 );
expect( result.stage3 )
.to.be.an( "array" )
.and.to.have.a.lengthOf( 1 );
it( "converts a map of stages containing a map of passes", function () {
expectPasses( util.convertPasses( passes ) );
} );
it( "converts a map of stages containing a list of passes", function () {
expectPasses( util.convertPasses( {
stage1: [
stage2: passes.stage2,
stage3: [
} ) );
} );
} );
describe( "util.clone", function () {
const meta = { name: "pegjs", version: 0.11, util: util };
it( "shallow clones an object", function () {
expect( util.clone( meta ) )
.to.be.an( "object" )
.that.has.own.includes( meta );
} );
it( "cloned properties refrence same value", function () {
expect( util.clone( meta ) )
.to.haveOwnProperty( "util" )
.that.is.a( "object" )
.which.equals( util );
} );
} );
describe( "util.each", function () {
it( "should iterate over an objects properties", function () {
const size = Object.keys( util ).length;
const entries = [];
util.each( util, ( value, key ) => {
entries.push( { key, value } );
} );
expect( entries.length ).to.equal( size );
entries.forEach( entry => {
expect( util )
.to.have.ownProperty( entry.key )
.which.equals( entry.value );
} );
} );
} );
describe( "util.values", function () {
const map = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };
it( "can extract values like Object.values", function () {
expect( util.values( map ) )
.to.be.an( "array" )
.with.a.lengthOf( 3 )
.and.includes.members( [ 1, 2, 3 ] );
} );
it( "can take a transformer, like Array#map", function () {
expect( util.values( map, n => String( n ) ) )
.that.includes.members( [ "1", "2", "3" ] );
} );
} );
describe( "util.extend", function () {
const source = { d: 4, e: 5, f: 6, g: 7, h: 8 };
it( "extend an empty object", function () {
const target = {};
expect( util.extend( target, source ) )
.to.be.an( "object" )
.that.includes.keys( Object.keys( source ) );
expect( util.values( target ) )
.to.include.members( [ 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ] )
.and.have.a.lengthOf( 5 );
} );
it( "extend an object", function () {
const target = util.extend( {}, source );
const utils = Object.keys( util );
expect( util.extend( target, util ) )
.to.include.keys( utils );
expect( util.values( target ) )
.to.have.a.lengthOf( 5 + utils.length );
} );
} );
describe( "util.map", function () {
const object = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4 };
const result = util.map( object, String );
it( "returns an object, and not an array, unlike Array#map", function () {
expect( result )
.to.be.an( "object" )
.that.includes.keys( Object.keys( object ) );
} );
it( "applies a transformation on each properties value", function () {
util.each( result, property => {
expect( property ).to.be.a( "string" );
} );
} );
} );
} );