You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

224 lines
4.8 KiB

(function() {
function initializer(code) {
return {
type: "initializer",
code: code
function rule(name, displayName, expression) {
return {
type: "rule",
name: name,
displayName: displayName,
expression: expression
function choice(alternatives) {
return {
type: "choice",
alternatives: alternatives
function sequence(elements) {
return {
type: "sequence",
elements: elements
function labeled(label, expression) {
return {
type: "labeled",
label: label,
expression: expression
function nodeWithExpressionConstructor(type) {
return function(expression) {
return {
type: type,
expression: expression
function nodeWithCodeConstructor(type) {
return function(code) {
return {
type: type,
code: code
var simpleAnd = nodeWithExpressionConstructor("simple_and");
var simpleNot = nodeWithExpressionConstructor("simple_not");
var semanticAnd = nodeWithCodeConstructor("semantic_and");
var semanticNot = nodeWithCodeConstructor("semantic_not");
var optional = nodeWithExpressionConstructor("optional");
var zeroOrMore = nodeWithExpressionConstructor("zero_or_more");
var oneOrMore = nodeWithExpressionConstructor("one_or_more");
function action(expression, code) {
return {
type: "action",
expression: expression,
code: code
function ruleRef(name) {
return {
type: "rule_ref",
name: name
function literal(value, ignoreCase) {
return {
type: "literal",
value: value,
ignoreCase: ignoreCase
function any() {
return { type: "any" };
function klass(inverted, ignoreCase, parts, rawText) {
return {
type: "class",
inverted: inverted,
ignoreCase: ignoreCase,
parts: parts,
rawText: rawText
var literalAbcd = literal("abcd", false);
var literalEfgh = literal("efgh", false);
var literalIjkl = literal("ijkl", false);
var optionalLiteral = optional(literalAbcd);
var labeledAbcd = labeled("a", literalAbcd);
var labeledEfgh = labeled("e", literalEfgh);
var labeledIjkl = labeled("i", literalIjkl);
var sequenceEmpty = sequence([]);
var sequenceLabeleds = sequence([labeledAbcd, labeledEfgh, labeledIjkl]);
var sequenceLiterals = sequence([literalAbcd, literalEfgh, literalIjkl]);
var choiceLiterals = choice([literalAbcd, literalEfgh, literalIjkl]);
function oneRuleGrammar(expression) {
return {
type: "grammar",
initializer: null,
rules: [rule("start", null, expression)],
startRule: "start"
var simpleGrammar = oneRuleGrammar(literal("abcd", false));
function identifierGrammar(identifier) {
return oneRuleGrammar(ruleRef(identifier));
var literal_ = literal;
function literalGrammar(literal) {
return oneRuleGrammar(literal_(literal, false));
function classGrammar(inverted, parts, rawText) {
return oneRuleGrammar(klass(inverted, false, parts, rawText));
var anyGrammar = oneRuleGrammar(any());
var action_ = action;
function actionGrammar(action) {
return oneRuleGrammar(action_(literal("a", false), action));
var initializerGrammar = {
type: "grammar",
initializer: initializer(" code "),
rules: [rule("a", null, literalAbcd)],
startRule: "a"
var namedRuleGrammar = {
type: "grammar",
initializer: null,
rules: [rule("start", "abcd", literalAbcd)],
startRule: "start"
/* Canonical grammar is "a: \"abcd\"; b: \"efgh\"; c: \"ijkl\";". */
test("parses grammar", function() {
'a = "abcd"',
type: "grammar",
initializer: null,
rules: [rule("a", null, literalAbcd)],
startRule: "a"
parserParses('{ code }; a = "abcd"', initializerGrammar);
'a = "abcd"; b = "efgh"; c = "ijkl"',
type: "grammar",
initializer: null,
rules: [
rule("a", null, literalAbcd),
rule("b", null, literalEfgh),
rule("c", null, literalIjkl)
startRule: "a"
/* Canonical initializer is "{ code }". */
test("parses initializer", function() {
parserParses('{ code }a = "abcd"', initializerGrammar);
parserParses('{ code };a = "abcd"', initializerGrammar);
/* Canonical rule is "a: \"abcd\"". */
test("parses rule", function() {
'start = "abcd" / "efgh" / "ijkl"',
'start "start rule" = "abcd" / "efgh" / "ijkl"',
type: "grammar",
initializer: null,
rules: [rule("start", "start rule", choiceLiterals)],
startRule: "start"
'start = "abcd" / "efgh" / "ijkl";',