# postcss-icss-find-imports A PostCSS plugin for finding import statements in CSS that follows the ICSS specification, __but not removing them from the AST__, eg. for implementing dependency discovery. This code was adapted from [css-loader](https://github.com/webpack-contrib/css-loader) and modified to work as a stand-alone plugin. This documentation is rudimentary and will probably be improved at some point. Feel free to open an issue if something is unclear! ## License ``` This module is derived from: css-loader (https://github.com/webpack-contrib/css-loader) (c) JS Foundation and other contributors Modifications by: (c) 2019, Sven Slootweg Licensed under: MIT (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) ``` ## API Exports a plugin that is compatible with PostCSS 8. Takes no options upon initialization. When applied, it will find import statements in the code, exposing them as the following types of `messages` (from plugin `postcss-icss-parser`): - `import`: an import statement. - `url`: The path/URL being imported from. The import statements __are not removed__ from the AST.