#!/usr/bin/env python import os, sys, pwd, glob, setuplib, subprocess def get_uid_gid(): try: target_user = pwd.getpwnam("pylsa") except KeyError, e: raise Exception("The PyLSA installation appears to have been corrupted.") return (target_user[2], target_user[3]) def switch_user(): target_uid, target_gid = get_uid_gid() os.setgid(target_gid) os.setuid(target_uid) def install(as_root=False): try: target_uid, target_gid = get_uid_gid() except Exception, e: target_uid, target_gid = (-1, -1) if as_root == True: target_path = "/home/pylsa/.pylsa" else: target_path = os.path.expanduser("~/.pylsa") setuplib.create_directory(target_path, True, target_uid, target_gid) setuplib.copy_file("src/daemon.py", "%s/daemon.py" % target_path, False, target_uid, target_gid) setuplib.copy_file("pylsa.conf", "%s/pylsa.conf" % target_path, True, target_uid, target_gid) subprocess.call(["tar", "-xzf", "psutil-0.6.1.tar.gz"]) os.chdir("psutil-0.6.1") stfu = open("/dev/null", "w") if subprocess.call(["python", "setup.py", "build"], stdout=stfu, stderr=stfu) != 0: sys.stderr.write("An error occurred during compilation.\n") exit(1) try: build_dir = glob.glob("build/lib.*")[0] except IndexError, e: sys.stderr.write("Compilation appears to have failed, exiting...\n") exit(1) setuplib.copy_directory(build_dir, "%s/lib" % target_path, False, target_uid, target_gid) def add_user(uname): # Lock /etc/passwd and /etc/group so we can safely add a user. open("/etc/passwd.lock", "w").close() open("/etc/group.lock", "w").close() # Find highest non-reserved UID in the user list passwd = open("/etc/passwd", "r+") highest_uid = 1000 for line in passwd: username, password, uid, gid, name, homedir, shell = line.split(":") if username == uname: return True if int(uid) < 32000 and int(uid) > highest_uid: highest_uid = int(uid) new_uid = highest_uid + 1 # Find highest non-reserved GID in the group list - we will assume same restrictions as for UID grp = open("/etc/group", "r+") highest_gid = 1000 for line in grp: groupname, password, gid, users = line.split(":") if groupname == uname: return True if int(gid) < 32000 and int(gid) > highest_gid: highest_gid = int(gid) new_gid = highest_gid + 1 # Append new user and group passwd.seek(0, 2) grp.seek(0, 2) setuplib.create_directory("/home/%s" % uname, True, new_uid, new_gid, "u+rwx g+rx") passwd.write("%s::%d:%d::/home/pylsa:/bin/false\n" % (uname, new_uid, new_gid)) grp.write("%s::%d:\n" % (uname, new_gid)) # We're done with /etc/passwd and /etc/group passwd.close() grp.close() # Remove the locks on /etc/passwd and /etc/group os.remove("/etc/passwd.lock") os.remove("/etc/group.lock") return True if os.getuid() == 0: # Script is run as root if os.path.isdir("/home/pylsa/.pylsa"): # Already installed, run as pylsa user switch_user() os.chdir("/home/pylsa/.pylsa") exit(subprocess.call(["python", "/home/pylsa/.pylsa/daemon.py"])) else: # Not installed yet, install as pylsa user then run add_user("pylsa") install(True) switch_user() os.chdir("/home/pylsa/.pylsa") exit(subprocess.call(["python", "/home/pylsa/.pylsa/daemon.py"])) else: # Script is run as unprivileged user if os.path.isdir(os.path.expanduser("~/.pylsa")): # Already installed os.chdir(os.path.expanduser("~/.pylsa")) exit(subprocess.call(["python", os.path.expanduser("~/.pylsa/daemon.py")])) else: # Not installed yet install(False) os.chdir(os.path.expanduser("~/.pylsa")) exit(subprocess.call(["python", os.path.expanduser("~/.pylsa/daemon.py")]))