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import pyreactor, time
class TestClient(pyreactor.BaseClient):
chunk_size = 8192
def event_receive(self, data):
print "Received message: %s" % repr(data)
def event_datastream_start(self, stream, size):
print "Starting transfer of file with size %d..." % size
stream.start_time = time.time()
stream.last_measure_time = stream.start_time
stream.last_measure_bytes = 0
stream.last_measure_speed = 0
def event_datastream_progress(self, stream, finished_bytes, total_bytes):
cur_time = time.time()
if int(cur_time) > int(stream.last_measure_time):
speed = (finished_bytes - stream.last_measure_bytes) / (cur_time - stream.last_measure_time)
stream.last_measure_time = cur_time
stream.last_measure_bytes = finished_bytes
stream.last_measure_speed = speed
print "Completed %d of %d bytes for stream %d. (%.2fMB/sec)" % (finished_bytes, total_bytes,, speed / 1024 / 1024)
def event_datastream_finished(self, stream):
print "Completed stream %d in %.2f seconds! Saved to file test.dat." % (, time.time() - stream.start_time)
print "Exiting..."
def event_disconnected(self):
print "Client disconnected."