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238 lines
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12 years ago
import urllib, urllib2, json, time, os, re, requests
from fs.contrib.tahoelafs import TahoeLAFS
except ImportError:
fs_available = False
from fs.expose import fuse, dokan
except ImportError:
fs_available = false
fs_available = True
class FilesystemException(Exception):
class ObjectException(Exception):
class UploadException(Exception):
class Filesystem:
def __init__(self, url="http://localhost:3456/"):
if url.strip() == "":
raise FilesystemException("You must specify a Tahoe-LAFS WAPI URL.")
# Ensure there is no trailing slash in the WAPI URL
if url[-1:] == "/":
url = url[:-1]
result = urllib.urlopen("%s/statistics?t=json" % url).read()
except urllib.URLError:
raise FilesystemException("The provided WAPI URL is not reachable.")
data = json.loads(result)
except ValueError:
raise FilesystemException("The provided WAPI URL is either not running Tahoe-LAFS, or running a version that is too old.")
if "node.uptime" not in data['stats']:
raise FilesystemException("The provided WAPI URL is either not running Tahoe-LAFS, or running a version that is too old.")
self.url = url
self.start_date = time.time() - data['stats']['node.uptime']
def standard_request(self, destination, data=None):
return self.do_json_request("/%s?t=json" % destination, data)
def do_request(self, destination, data=None):
if data is not None:
post_data = urllib.urlencode(data)
if data is None:
return urllib.urlopen("%s%s" % (self.url, destination)).read()
return urllib.urlopen("%s%s" % (self.url, destination), post_data).read()
except urllib.URLError:
raise FilesystemException("The WAPI could not be reached.")
def do_json_request(self, destination, data=None):
results = self.do_request(destination, data)
return json.loads(results)
except ValueError:
raise FilesystemException("Corrupted data was received from the WAPI")
def do_put_request(self, destination, data, headers):
request = urllib2.Request("%s%s" % (self.url, destination), data, headers)
return urllib2.urlopen(request).read()
def Directory(self, uri, data=None):
if data == None:
data = self.standard_request("uri/%s" % urllib.quote(uri))
return Directory(self, uri, data)
def File(self, uri, data=None):
if data == None:
data = self.standard_request("uri/%s" % urllib.quote(uri))
return File(self, uri, data)
def Object(self, uri, data=None):
if data == None:
data = self.standard_request("uri/%s" % urllib.quote(uri))
if "filenode" in data:
return self.File(uri, data)
elif "dirnode" in data:
return self.Directory(uri, data)
raise ObjectException("The specified object does not appear to exist.")
def create_directory(self):
result = self.do_request("/uri?t=mkdir", {})
return self.Directory(result)
def _sanitize_filename(self, name):
return re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9 $_.+!*'(),-]+", "", name)
def upload(self, filedata):
if type(filedata) is str:
filedata = open(filedata, "rb")
except IOError:
raise UploadException("The given path is not a valid file path.")
elif type(filedata) is not file:
raise UploadException("Cannot upload the file because the given file is not a valid file object or path.")
file_uri = requests.put("%s/uri" % self.url,
return self.File(file_uri)
class Directory:
mutable = False
writeable = False
children = {}
def __init__(self, filesystem, uri, data=None):
self.filesystem = filesystem
self.uri = uri
if data == None:
data = self.filesystem.standard_request("uri/%s" % urllib.quote(uri))
if "dirnode" in data:
details = data[1]
self.mutable = details['mutable']
self.readcap = details['ro_uri']
if "verify_uri" in details:
self.verifycap = details['verify_uri']
if "rw_uri" in details:
self.writable = True
self.writecap = details['rw_uri']
for child_name, child_data in details['children'].iteritems():
if "rw_uri" in child_data[1]:
child_uri = child_data[1]['rw_uri']
child_uri = child_data[1]['ro_uri']
self.children[child_name] = self.filesystem.Object(child_uri, child_data)
elif "unknown" in data:
raise ObjectException("The specified object does not appear to exist.")
raise ObjectException("The specified object is not a directory.")
def __repr__(self):
if self.writable == True:
state = "writable"
state = "read-only"
return "<pytahoe.Directory %s (%s)>" % (self.uri, state)
def mount(self, mountpoint):
global fs_available
if fs_available == False:
raise DependencyException("Could not mount the directory because the 'fs' module was not found.")
fs = TahoeLAFS(self.uri)
return fuse.mount(fs, mountpoint)
except OSError:
return dokan.mount(fs, mountpoint)
except OSError:
raise DependencyException("Could not mount the directory because both the FUSE and dokan libraries are unavailable.")
def upload(self, filedata, filename=None):
if filename is None:
if type(filedata) is str:
filename = self._sanitize_filename(os.path.basename(filedata))
elif type(filedata) is file:
if type( is str:
filename = self._sanitize_filename(
# We could not determine the filename for the input... let's generate something.
filename = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for x in range(15))
raise UploadException("The given file is not a valid string or file object.")
class File:
mutable = False
writable = False
def __init__(self, filesystem, uri, data=None):
self.filesystem = filesystem
self.uri = uri
if data == None:
data = self.filesystem.standard_request("uri/%s" % urllib.quote(uri))
if "filenode" in data:
details = data[1]
self.mutable = details['mutable']
self.readcap = details['ro_uri']
self.size = details['size']
if "metadata" in details and "tahoe" in details['metadata']:
self.creation_date = details['metadata']['tahoe']['linkcrtime']
self.modification_date = details['metadata']['tahoe']['linkmotime']
if "verify_uri" in details:
self.verifycap = details['verify_uri']
if "rw_uri" in details:
self.writable = True
self.writecap = details['rw_uri']
elif "unknown" in data:
raise ObjectException("The specified object does not appear to exist.")
raise ObjectException("The specified object is not a file.")
def __repr__(self):
if self.writable == True:
state = "writable"
state = "read-only"
if self.mutable == True:
mutable = "mutable"
mutable = "immutable"
return "<pytahoe.File %s (%s, %s)>" % (self.uri, mutable, state)