You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

13 lines
970 B

11 years ago
# Troubleshooting
{>index}(<< back to index)
Run through this checklist to make sure the issue is not on your end:
* If certain information was not found, the key will simply be absent. Missing information is {>upgrade}(no longer) filled with `None`s, like in version 1.
* Turn off normalization if the capitalization ends up being strange. If it's a serious issue (and one that really shouldn't be happening), you may want to {}(file a bug), and I'll try to improve the normalization algorithm.
Still broken? {}(File an issue!)
__The goal for pythonwhois is 100% coverage, and that is only possible with your feedback!__ If any information is missing or incorrect for a domain, **even if you think it's tiny and unimportant**, please {}(let me know!) I'm more than willing to fix any parsing issues that arise.