#!/usr/bin/env python2 import sys, argparse, os, pythonwhois, json, datetime, codecs import pkgutil import encodings def get_codecs(): """Dynamically get list of codecs in python.""" false_positives = set(["aliases"]) found = set(name for imp, name, ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules(encodings.__path__) if not ispkg) found.difference_update(false_positives) return found def read_encoded_file(file_path): """Try reading file using all codecs. Return the first succesfull one.""" for encoding in get_codecs(): try: with codecs.open(file_path, "r", encoding) as f: return f.read() except Exception: pass parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Runs or modifies the test suite for python-whois.") parser.add_argument("mode", nargs=1, choices=["run", "update"], default="run", help="Whether to run or update the tests. Only update if you know what you're doing!") parser.add_argument("target", nargs="+", help="The targets to run/modify tests for. Use 'all' to run the full test suite.") args = parser.parse_args() OK = '\033[92m' FAIL = '\033[91m' ENDC = '\033[0m' def encoded_json_dumps(obj): try: return json.dumps(obj, default=json_fallback) except UnicodeDecodeError as e: return json.dumps(recursive_encode(obj, "latin-1"), default=json_fallback) def json_fallback(obj): if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime): return obj.isoformat() else: return obj def recursive_encode(obj, encoding): for key in list(obj.keys()): if isinstance(obj[key], dict): obj[key] = recursive_encode(obj[key], encoding) elif isinstance(obj[key], list): obj[key] = [x.decode(encoding) for x in obj[key]] else: try: obj[key] = obj[key].decode(encoding) except: pass return obj def recursive_compare(obj1, obj2, chain=[]): errors = [] chain_name = " -> ".join(chain) s1 = set(obj1.keys()) s2 = set(obj2.keys()) for item in s1.difference(s2): errors.append("(%s) Key present in previous data, but missing in current data: %s" % (chain_name, item)) for item in s2.difference(s1): errors.append("(%s) New key present in current data, but missing in previous data: %s" % (chain_name, item)) for key in s1.intersection(s2): if isinstance(obj1[key], dict) and isinstance(obj2[key], dict): errors += recursive_compare(obj1[key], obj2[key], chain + [key]) elif isinstance(obj1[key], list) and isinstance(obj2[key], list): lst1 = [json_fallback(x) for x in obj1[key]] lst2 = [json_fallback(x) for x in obj2[key]] if set(lst1) != set(lst2): errors.append("(%s) List mismatch in key %s.\n [old] %s\n [new] %s" % (chain_name, key, set(lst1), set(lst2))) else: if json_fallback(obj1[key]) != json_fallback(obj2[key]): errors.append("(%s) Data mismatch in key %s.\n [old] %s\n [new] %s" % (chain_name, key, json_fallback(obj1[key]), json_fallback(obj2[key]))) return errors if "all" in args.target: targets = os.listdir("test/data") else: targets = args.target targets.sort() if args.mode[0] == "run": errors = False suites = [] for target in targets: try: with codecs.open(os.path.join("test/data", target), "r") as f: data = f.read().split("\n--\n") except IOError as e: sys.stderr.write("Invalid domain %(domain)s specified. No test case or base data exists.\n" % {"domain": target}) errors = True continue except UnicodeDecodeError: try: # Try cp1252 (ufpa.br uses that) with codecs.open(os.path.join("test/data", target), "r", 'cp1252') as f: data = f.read().split("\n--\n") except UnicodeDecodeError as e: # Fall back to trying all registered codecs data = read_encoded_file(os.path.join("test/data", target)).split("\n--\n") try: with codecs.open(os.path.join("test/target_default", target), "r") as f: default = f.read() with codecs.open(os.path.join("test/target_normalized", target), "r") as f: normalized = f.read() except IOError as e: sys.stderr.write("Missing target data for domain %(domain)s. Run `./test.py update %(domain)s` to correct this, after verifying that pythonwhois can correctly parse this particular domain.\n" % {"domain": target}) errors = True continue suites.append((target, data, default, normalized)) if errors: exit(1) total_errors = 0 total_failed = 0 total_passed = 0 done = 1 total = len(suites) * 2 for target, data, target_default, target_normalized in suites: for normalization in (True, []): parsed = pythonwhois.parse.parse_raw_whois(data, normalized=normalization) parsed = json.loads(encoded_json_dumps(parsed)) # Stupid Unicode hack if normalization == True: target_data = json.loads(target_normalized) else: target_data = json.loads(target_default) errors = recursive_compare(target_data, parsed, chain=["root"]) if normalization == True: mode ="normalized" else: mode ="default" progress_prefix = "[%s/%s] " % (str(done).rjust(len(str(total))), str(total).rjust(len(str(total)))) if len(errors) == 0: sys.stdout.write(OK) sys.stdout.write(progress_prefix + "%s passed in %s mode.\n" % (target, mode)) sys.stderr.write(ENDC) total_passed += 1 else: sys.stderr.write(FAIL) sys.stderr.write(progress_prefix + "%s TEST CASE FAILED, ERRORS BELOW\n" % target) sys.stderr.write("Mode: %s\n" % mode) sys.stderr.write("=======================================\n") for error in errors: sys.stderr.write(error + "\n") sys.stderr.write("=======================================\n") sys.stderr.write(ENDC) total_errors += len(errors) total_failed += 1 done += 1 if total_failed == 0: sys.stdout.write(OK) sys.stdout.write("All tests passed!\n") sys.stderr.write(ENDC) else: sys.stdout.write(FAIL) sys.stdout.write("%d tests failed, %d errors in total.\n" % (total_failed, total_errors)) sys.stderr.write(ENDC) exit(1) elif args.mode[0] == "update": errors = False updates = [] for target in targets: try: with codecs.open(os.path.join("test/data", target), "r") as f: data = f.read().split("\n--\n") updates.append((target, data)) except IOError as e: sys.stderr.write("Invalid domain %(domain)s specified. No base data exists.\n" % {"domain": target}) errors = True continue if errors: exit(1) for target, data in updates: default = pythonwhois.parse.parse_raw_whois(data) normalized = pythonwhois.parse.parse_raw_whois(data, normalized=True) with codecs.open(os.path.join("test/target_default", target), "w") as f: f.write(encoded_json_dumps(default)) with codecs.open(os.path.join("test/target_normalized", target), "w") as f: f.write(encoded_json_dumps(normalized)) print("Generated target data for %s." % target)