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127 lines
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class ResourceManager
constructor: (@base_path = "") ->
@resources =
stage1_images: []
stage1_sounds: []
stage1_scripts: []
stage1_data: []
images: []
sounds: []
scripts: []
data: []
@resource_objects =
images: {}
sounds: {}
scripts: {}
data: {}
@base_path = util.stripRight(@base_path, "/") + "/"
@files_loaded = 0
@files_total = 0
@total_progress = 0
@file_progress = 0
joinPath: (path) =>
if @base_path == "" then path else @base_path + path
addImage: (path, first_stage = false) =>
if first_stage
addSound: (path, first_stage = false) =>
if first_stage
addScript: (path, first_stage = false) =>
if first_stage
addDataFile: (path, first_stage = false) =>
if first_stage
addImages: (paths, first_stage = false) =>
@addImage(path, first_stage) for path in paths
addScripts: (paths, first_stage = false) =>
@addScript(path, first_stage) for path in paths
addSounds: (paths, first_stage = false) =>
@addSound(path, first_stage) for path in paths
addDataFiles: (paths, first_stage = false) =>
@addDataFile(path, first_stage) for path in paths
getImage: (path) =>
return @resource_objects.images[@joinPath(path)]
updateProgress: (event) =>
@file_progress = event.progress
handleFinishedFile: (event) =>
switch event.item.type
when createjs.LoadQueue.IMAGE then @resource_objects.images[event.item.src] = event.result
when createjs.LoadQueue.JAVASCRIPT then @resource_objects.scripts[event.item.src] = event.result
when createjs.LoadQueue.SOUND then @resource_objects.sounds[event.item.src] = event.result
when createjs.LoadQueue.JSON then[event.item.src] = event.result
if @current_stage == 2
@files_loaded += 1
@total_progress = @files_loaded / @files_total
doPreload: (stage, progress_callback, finished_callback) =>
@current_stage = stage
if stage == 1
images = @resources.stage1_images
scripts = @resources.stage1_scripts
sounds = @resources.stage1_sounds
data_files = @resources.stage1_data
images = @resources.images
scripts = @resources.scripts
sounds = @resources.sounds
data_files =
@queue = new createjs.LoadQueue(true, @base_path)
for image in images
@files_total += 1
@queue.loadFile({src: image, type: createjs.LoadQueue.IMAGE}, false)
for script in scripts
@files_total += 1
@queue.loadFile({src: script, type: createjs.LoadQueue.JAVASCRIPT}, false)
for sound in sounds
@files_total += 1
@queue.loadFile({src: sound, type: createjs.LoadQueue.SOUND}, false)
for data_file in data_files
@files_total += 1
@queue.loadFile({src: data_file, type: createjs.LoadQueue.JSON})
@queue.on("progress", progress_callback)
@queue.on("fileload", @handleFinishedFile)
@queue.on("complete", finished_callback)
prepare: (finished_callback = (->)) =>
# This performs a stage 1 preload, loading the initial assets required for displaying the preload screen.
@doPreload(1, (->), finished_callback.bind(this))
load: (finished_callback = (->)) =>
# This performs the stage 2 preload; it will load the actual game assets.
@doPreload(2, @updateProgress, finished_callback.bind(this))