Fixes to preloader, fixes to drawing library, and changed around code structure for gemswap

Sven Slootweg 10 years ago
parent 95b66de252
commit b3a37d44e9

@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ Engine = (function() {
this.createSound = __bind(this.createSound, this);
this.createObject = __bind(this.createObject, this);
this.createScene = __bind(this.createScene, this);
this.switchInitialScene = __bind(this.switchInitialScene, this);
this.switchPreloadScene = __bind(this.switchPreloadScene, this);
this.setPreloadScene = __bind(this.setPreloadScene, this);
this.setInitialScene = __bind(this.setInitialScene, this);
this.skipTimers = __bind(this.skipTimers, this);
@ -46,6 +48,8 @@ Engine = (function() {
this.named_timers = {};
this.unnamed_timers = [];
this.ease.engine = this;
this.draw.engine = this;
this.resource_manager.engine = this;
Engine.prototype.addCanvas = function(canvas, label) {
@ -78,7 +82,6 @@ Engine = (function() {
Engine.prototype.start = function() {
return this.loop();
@ -178,6 +181,18 @@ Engine = (function() {
return this.preload_scene = scene;
Engine.prototype.switchPreloadScene = function() {
return this.preload_scene.addTargetSurface(this.canvases[""]);
Engine.prototype.switchInitialScene = function() {
var _ref;
if ((_ref = this.preload_scene) != null) {
return this.initial_scene.addTargetSurface(this.canvases[""]);
Engine.prototype.createScene = function(name) {
var scene;
scene = new Scene(this, name);
@ -258,18 +273,15 @@ Engine = (function() {
Engine.prototype.draw = {
_startPath: (function(_this) {
return function(surface, options) {
_startPath: function(surface, options) {
var _ref;
surface = _this.getSurface(surface);
surface = this.engine.getSurface(surface);
if ((_ref = !options._is_text) != null ? _ref : false) {
return surface;
_finishPath: (function(_this) {
return function(surface, options) {
_finishPath: function(surface, options) {
var _ref, _ref1, _ref10, _ref11, _ref12, _ref2, _ref3, _ref4, _ref5, _ref6, _ref7, _ref8, _ref9;
if ((_ref = options.stroke) != null ? _ref : true) {
surface.lineWidth = (_ref1 = (_ref2 = options.lineWidth) != null ? _ref2 : (_ref3 = options.pen) != null ? _ref3.lineWidth : void 0) != null ? _ref1 : 1;
@ -288,19 +300,15 @@ Engine.prototype.draw = {
return surface.fill();
_getTextWidth: (function(_this) {
return function(surface, text, options) {
_getTextWidth: function(surface, text, options) {
var width;
_this._applyTextContext(surface, options);
this._applyTextContext(surface, options);
width = surface.measureText(text).width;
return width;
_applyTextContext: (function(_this) {
return function(surface, options) {
_applyTextContext: function(surface, options) {
var font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight, scale, _ref, _ref1, _ref2, _ref3, _ref4, _ref5;
font_family = (_ref = options.font) != null ? _ref : "sans-serif";
font_size = (_ref1 = options.size) != null ? _ref1 : 16;
@ -311,37 +319,31 @@ Engine.prototype.draw = {
surface.font = "" + font_weight + " " + font_style + " " + font_size + "px '" + font_family + "'";
surface.globalAlpha = (_ref5 = options.alpha) != null ? _ref5 : 1;
return surface.scale(scale, scale);
line: (function(_this) {
return function(x1, y1, x2, y2, options, surface) {
line: function(x1, y1, x2, y2, options, surface) {
if (options == null) {
options = {};
if (surface == null) {
surface = "";
surface = _this._startPath(surface, options);
surface = this._startPath(surface, options);
surface.moveTo(x1, y1);
surface.lineTo(x2, y2);
return _this._finishPath(surface, options);
rectangle: (function(_this) {
return function(x1, y1, x2, y2, options, surface) {
return this._finishPath(surface, options);
rectangle: function(x1, y1, x2, y2, options, surface) {
if (options == null) {
options = {};
if (surface == null) {
surface = "";
surface = _this._startPath(surface, options);
surface = this._startPath(surface, options);
surface.rect(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
return _this._finishPath(surface, options);
boxEllipse: (function(_this) {
return function(x1, y1, x2, y2, options, surface) {
return this._finishPath(surface, options);
boxEllipse: function(x1, y1, x2, y2, options, surface) {
var rx, ry, x, y;
if (options == null) {
options = {};
@ -353,11 +355,9 @@ Engine.prototype.draw = {
y = (y1 + y2) / 2;
rx = (x2 - x1) / 2;
ry = (y2 - y1) / 2;
return _this.radiusEllipse(x, y, rx, ry, options, surface);
radiusEllipse: (function(_this) {
return function(x, y, rx, ry, options, surface) {
return this.radiusEllipse(x, y, rx, ry, options, surface);
radiusEllipse: function(x, y, rx, ry, options, surface) {
var i, step, _i, _ref, _ref1;
if (options == null) {
options = {};
@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ Engine.prototype.draw = {
if (surface == null) {
surface = "";
surface = _this._startPath(surface, options);
surface = this._startPath(surface, options);
step = (_ref = options.step) != null ? _ref : 0.1;
if (rx === ry) {
surface.arc(x, y, rx, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
@ -375,11 +375,9 @@ Engine.prototype.draw = {
surface.lineTo(x + (Math.cos(i) * rx), y + (Math.sin(i) * ry));
return _this._finishPath(surface, options);
boxPolygon: (function(_this) {
return function(x1, y1, x2, y2, sides, options, surface) {
return this._finishPath(surface, options);
boxPolygon: function(x1, y1, x2, y2, sides, options, surface) {
if (options == null) {
options = {};
@ -387,10 +385,8 @@ Engine.prototype.draw = {
surface = "";
return pass;
radiusPolygon: (function(_this) {
return function(x, y, r, sides, options, surface) {
radiusPolygon: function(x, y, r, sides, options, surface) {
if (options == null) {
options = {};
@ -398,10 +394,8 @@ Engine.prototype.draw = {
surface = "";
return pass;
text: (function(_this) {
return function(x, y, text, options, surface) {
text: function(x, y, text, options, surface) {
var text_width;
if (options == null) {
options = {};
@ -430,18 +424,17 @@ Engine.prototype.draw = {
if (alignment === "left") {
options.x = x;
} else {
text_width = _this._getTextWidth(text, options);
text_width = this._getTextWidth(text, options);
if (alignment === "center") {
options.x = x - ((text_width / 2) * scale * scale);
} else if (alignment === "right") {
options.x = x - text_width;
_this._startPath(surface, options);
_this._finishPath(surface, options);
this._startPath(surface, options);
this._finishPath(surface, options);
return surface.restore();
var Ease,
@ -1335,6 +1328,7 @@ ResourceManager = (function() {
this.load = __bind(this.load, this);
this.prepare = __bind(this.prepare, this);
this.doPreload = __bind(this.doPreload, this);
this.handleComplete = __bind(this.handleComplete, this);
this.handleFinishedFile = __bind(this.handleFinishedFile, this);
this.updateProgress = __bind(this.updateProgress, this);
this.getImage = __bind(this.getImage, this);
@ -1479,7 +1473,8 @@ ResourceManager = (function() {
ResourceManager.prototype.updateProgress = function(event) {
return this.file_progress = event.progress;
return this.file_progress = event.loaded /;
ResourceManager.prototype.handleFinishedFile = function(event) {
@ -1502,7 +1497,18 @@ ResourceManager = (function() {
ResourceManager.prototype.doPreload = function(stage, progress_callback, finished_callback) {
ResourceManager.prototype.handleComplete = function(event) {
var stage, _ref, _ref1;
stage = this.current_stage;
if (stage === 1) {
return (_ref = this.engine) != null ? _ref.switchPreloadScene() : void 0;
} else if (stage === 2) {
return (_ref1 = this.engine) != null ? _ref1.switchInitialScene() : void 0;
ResourceManager.prototype.doPreload = function(stage, progress_callback) {
var data_file, data_files, image, images, script, scripts, sound, sounds, _i, _j, _k, _l, _len, _len1, _len2, _len3;
this.current_stage = stage;
if (stage === 1) {
@ -1549,9 +1555,9 @@ ResourceManager = (function() {
type: createjs.LoadQueue.JSON
this.queue.on("progress", progress_callback);
this.queue.on("fileprogress", progress_callback);
this.queue.on("fileload", this.handleFinishedFile);
this.queue.on("complete", finished_callback);
this.queue.on("complete", this.handleComplete);
return this.queue.load();
@ -1559,14 +1565,16 @@ ResourceManager = (function() {
if (finished_callback == null) {
finished_callback = (function() {});
return this.doPreload(1, (function() {}), finished_callback.bind(this));
this.finished_callback = finished_callback.bind(this);
return this.doPreload(1, (function() {}));
ResourceManager.prototype.load = function(finished_callback) {
if (finished_callback == null) {
finished_callback = (function() {});
return this.doPreload(2, this.updateProgress, finished_callback.bind(this));
this.finished_callback = finished_callback.bind(this);
return this.doPreload(2, this.updateProgress);
return ResourceManager;
@ -1590,6 +1598,7 @@ Scene = (function() {
this.removeTargetSurface = __bind(this.removeTargetSurface, this);
this.handleClick = __bind(this.handleClick, this);
this.addTargetSurface = __bind(this.addTargetSurface, this);
this.callEvent = __bind(this.callEvent, this);
this.reset = __bind(this.reset, this);

@ -23,20 +23,40 @@ $(->
manager.prepare ->
# Set up the engine
manager.prepare ->
# Let's go!
# Scene configuration
engine.getScene("loader").onLoad = ->
# Loading screen
@createInstance("loader", 0, 0)
engine.getScene("main").onLoad = ->
# Actual game initialization
@createInstance("cursor", 0, 0)
for x in [10 .. 728] by 80
for y in [10 .. 550] by 80
@createInstance("diamond", x, y)
# Loader object
loader = engine.createObject("loader")
loader.onStep = -> true
loader.onDraw = ->
engine.draw.rectangle(0, 0, 800 * manager.file_progress, 64, {fillColor: "#CCCCCC", fill: true})
engine.draw.rectangle(0, 64, 800 * manager.total_progress, 128, {fillColor: "#AAAAAA", fill: true})
manager.load ->
# Game asset initialization...
@ -53,19 +73,15 @@ $(->
# Object definitions
loader = engine.createObject("loader")
loader.onStep = -> true
loader.onDraw = ->
engine.draw.rectangle(0, 0, 800 * manager.file_progress, 64, {fillColor: "#CCCCCC"})
engine.draw.rectangle(0, 64, 800 * manager.total_progress, 128, {fillColor: "#AAAAAA"})
cursor = engine.createObject("cursor")
cursor.sprite = engine.getSprite("cursor")
cursor.onStep = ->
$("#debug").html("Mouse coords: #{@scene.mouse_x} / #{@scene.mouse_y}<br>Frameskip: #{@engine.frameskip}")
cursor.onDraw = ->
#engine.draw.rectangle(20, 20, 400, 400, {fillColor: "#FFFFFF", fill: true})
diamond = engine.createObject("diamond")
diamond.sprite = engine.getSprite("diamond")
diamond.draw_sprite = false
@ -96,20 +112,4 @@ $(->
cursor.x = @engine.ease.quadInOut(cursor.x, @x - 9, 8)
cursor.y = @engine.ease.quadInOut(cursor.y, @y - 9, 8)
# Scene configuration
engine.getScene("loader").onLoad = ->
# Loading screen
@createInstance(loader, 0, 0)
engine.getScene("main").onLoad = ->
# Actual game initialization
@createInstance(cursor, 0, 0)
for x in [10 .. 728] by 80
for y in [10 .. 550] by 80
@createInstance(diamond, x, y)
# Let's go!

@ -12,18 +12,51 @@
manager.addImages(["images/cursor.png", "images/diamond.png", "images/diamond_inverted.png", "images/diamond_shimmer.png", "images/yellow.png", "images/yellow_inverted.png", "images/yellow_shimmer.png", "images/blue.png", "images/blue_inverted.png", "images/blue_shimmer.png"]);
return manager.prepare(function() {
return manager.prepare(function() {
var loader;
engine.getScene("loader").onLoad = function() {
return this.createInstance("loader", 0, 0);
engine.getScene("main").onLoad = function() {
var x, y, _i, _results;
this.createInstance("cursor", 0, 0);
_results = [];
for (x = _i = 10; _i <= 728; x = _i += 80) {
_results.push((function() {
var _j, _results1;
_results1 = [];
for (y = _j = 10; _j <= 550; y = _j += 80) {
_results1.push(this.createInstance("diamond", x, y));
return _results1;
return _results;
loader = engine.createObject("loader");
loader.onStep = function() {
return true;
loader.onDraw = function() {
engine.draw.rectangle(0, 0, 800 * manager.file_progress, 64, {
fillColor: "#CCCCCC",
fill: true
return engine.draw.rectangle(0, 64, 800 * manager.total_progress, 128, {
fillColor: "#AAAAAA",
fill: true
return manager.load(function() {
var cursor, diamond, loader;
var cursor, diamond;
"cursor": "images/cursor.png",
"diamond": "images/diamond.png",
@ -36,23 +69,12 @@
"blue_inverted": "images/blue_inverted.png",
"blue_shimmer": "images/blue_shimmer.png"
loader = engine.createObject("loader");
loader.onStep = function() {
return true;
loader.onDraw = function() {
engine.draw.rectangle(0, 0, 800 * manager.file_progress, 64, {
fillColor: "#CCCCCC"
return engine.draw.rectangle(0, 64, 800 * manager.total_progress, 128, {
fillColor: "#AAAAAA"
cursor = engine.createObject("cursor");
cursor.sprite = engine.getSprite("cursor");
cursor.onStep = function() {
return $("#debug").html("Mouse coords: " + this.scene.mouse_x + " / " + this.scene.mouse_y + "<br>Frameskip: " + this.engine.frameskip);
cursor.onDraw = function() {};
diamond = engine.createObject("diamond");
diamond.sprite = engine.getSprite("diamond");
diamond.draw_sprite = false;
@ -73,32 +95,12 @@
alpha: this.shimmer_value
diamond.onMouseOver = function() {
return diamond.onMouseOver = function() {
this.fade_value = this.engine.ease.quadInOut(0.3, 0.7, 10, this.engine.ease.bounceOut(0.7, 0.3, 65));
cursor = this.engine.getObject("cursor").getInstances()[0];
cursor.x = this.engine.ease.quadInOut(cursor.x, this.x - 9, 8);
return cursor.y = this.engine.ease.quadInOut(cursor.y, this.y - 9, 8);
engine.getScene("loader").onLoad = function() {
return this.createInstance(loader, 0, 0);
engine.getScene("main").onLoad = function() {
var x, y, _i, _results;
this.createInstance(cursor, 0, 0);
_results = [];
for (x = _i = 10; _i <= 728; x = _i += 80) {
_results.push((function() {
var _j, _results1;
_results1 = [];
for (y = _j = 10; _j <= 550; y = _j += 80) {
_results1.push(this.createInstance(diamond, x, y));
return _results1;
return _results;
return engine.start();

@ -21,6 +21,9 @@ class Engine
# FUTURE: Iterate over easing methods and create an engine-bound version
# in the local engine object, overriding the prototype methods?
@ease.engine = this
@draw.engine = this
@resource_manager.engine = this
addCanvas: (canvas, label = "") =>
@canvases[label] = util.unpackElement(canvas)
@ -43,7 +46,6 @@ class Engine = "#{h}px"
start: () =>
loop: () =>
@ -103,6 +105,13 @@ class Engine
setPreloadScene: (scene) =>
@preload_scene = scene
switchPreloadScene: =>
switchInitialScene: =>
createScene: (name) =>
scene = new Scene(this, name)
@initial_scene ?= scene

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
Engine::draw =
_startPath: (surface, options) =>
surface = @getSurface(surface)
_startPath: (surface, options) ->
surface = @engine.getSurface(surface)
if not options._is_text ? false
return surface
_finishPath: (surface, options) =>
_finishPath: (surface, options) ->
if options.stroke ? true
surface.lineWidth = options.lineWidth ? options.pen?.lineWidth ? 1
surface.strokeStyle = options.lineColor ? options.pen?.lineColor ? "black"
@ -25,13 +25,13 @@ Engine::draw =
_getTextWidth: (surface, text, options) =>
_getTextWidth: (surface, text, options) ->
@_applyTextContext(surface, options)
width = surface.measureText(text).width
return width
_applyTextContext: (surface, options) =>
_applyTextContext: (surface, options) ->
font_family = options.font ? "sans-serif"
font_size = options.size ? 16
font_weight = options.weight ? "normal"
@ -43,25 +43,25 @@ Engine::draw =
surface.globalAlpha = options.alpha ? 1
surface.scale(scale, scale)
line: (x1, y1, x2, y2, options = {}, surface = "") =>
line: (x1, y1, x2, y2, options = {}, surface = "") ->
surface = @_startPath(surface, options)
surface.moveTo(x1, y1)
surface.lineTo(x2, y2)
@_finishPath(surface, options)
rectangle: (x1, y1, x2, y2, options = {}, surface = "") =>
rectangle: (x1, y1, x2, y2, options = {}, surface = "") ->
surface = @_startPath(surface, options)
surface.rect(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1)
@_finishPath(surface, options)
boxEllipse: (x1, y1, x2, y2, options = {}, surface = "") =>
boxEllipse: (x1, y1, x2, y2, options = {}, surface = "") ->
x = (x1 + x2) / 2;
y = (y1 + y2) / 2;
rx = (x2 - x1) / 2;
ry = (y2 - y1) / 2;
@radiusEllipse(x, y, rx, ry, options, surface)
radiusEllipse: (x, y, rx, ry, options = {}, surface = "") =>
radiusEllipse: (x, y, rx, ry, options = {}, surface = "") ->
surface = @_startPath(surface, options)
step = options.step ? 0.1
@ -76,13 +76,13 @@ Engine::draw =
@_finishPath(surface, options)
boxPolygon: (x1, y1, x2, y2, sides, options = {}, surface = "") =>
boxPolygon: (x1, y1, x2, y2, sides, options = {}, surface = "") ->
pass # TODO
radiusPolygon: (x, y, r, sides, options = {}, surface = "") =>
radiusPolygon: (x, y, r, sides, options = {}, surface = "") ->
pass # TODO
text: (x, y, text, options = {}, surface = "") =>
text: (x, y, text, options = {}, surface = "") ->
# Defaults
options.alignment ?= "left"
options.scale ?= 1

@ -66,7 +66,8 @@ class ResourceManager
return @resource_objects.images[@joinPath(path)]
updateProgress: (event) =>
@file_progress = event.progress
@file_progress = event.loaded /
handleFinishedFile: (event) =>
switch event.item.type
@ -79,7 +80,17 @@ class ResourceManager
@files_loaded += 1
@total_progress = @files_loaded / @files_total
doPreload: (stage, progress_callback, finished_callback) =>
handleComplete: (event) =>
stage = @current_stage
if stage == 1
else if stage == 2
doPreload: (stage, progress_callback) =>
@current_stage = stage
if stage == 1
@ -111,17 +122,19 @@ class ResourceManager
@files_total += 1
@queue.loadFile({src: data_file, type: createjs.LoadQueue.JSON})
@queue.on("progress", progress_callback)
@queue.on("fileprogress", progress_callback)
@queue.on("fileload", @handleFinishedFile)
@queue.on("complete", finished_callback)
@queue.on("complete", @handleComplete)
prepare: (finished_callback = (->)) =>
# This performs a stage 1 preload, loading the initial assets required for displaying the preload screen.
@doPreload(1, (->), finished_callback.bind(this))
@finished_callback = finished_callback.bind(this)
@doPreload(1, (->))
load: (finished_callback = (->)) =>
# This performs the stage 2 preload; it will load the actual game assets.
@doPreload(2, @updateProgress, finished_callback.bind(this))
@finished_callback = finished_callback.bind(this)
@doPreload(2, @updateProgress)

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ class Scene
@last_width = 800
@last_height = 600
callEvent: (name, data = {}) ->
callEvent: (name, data = {}) =>
event_map =
load: @onLoad
