# Radium A game engine, under development. Currently being rewritten in Coffeescript. ## Setup To install dependencies you need for developing on Radium: `npm install`. If you don't have `npm`, install NodeJS - npm is included. Note that `coffee-script` may fail to install; in that case, you'll need to install it manually (and you can ignore the error from the previous command): `sudo npm install -g coffee-script` To run the build scripts in development mode, automatically recompiling both engine and sample game code as files are changed: `gulp watch` To compile and minify engine and sample games for production: `gulp` If you want more fine-grained control... * `gulp dev` compiles everything in development mode (not minified) * `gulp prod`, which `gulp` is an alias for, compiles everything in production mode (minified) * `gulp dev-engine` compiles the engine in development mode * `gulp prod-engine` compiles the engine in production mode * `gulp dev-gemswap` compiles gemswap in development mode * `gulp prod-gemswap` compiles gemswap in production mode That's it! ## Documentation None! Sorry, you'll have to wait for first release, or look at the samples/engine code. ## License [WTFPL](http://www.wtfpl.net/) or [CC0](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/), as usual. ## External libraries This project uses the following external libraries: * jQuery by the jQuery foundation, [MIT license](https://jquery.org/license/) * PreloadJS by gSkinner.com, [MIT license](https://github.com/CreateJS/PreloadJS/blob/master/LICENSE) * SoundJS by gSkinner.com, [MIT license](https://github.com/CreateJS/SoundJS/blob/master/LICENSE)