/* Prototype modifications of standard types go here. */ HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.relativeCoordinates = function(event) { var totalOffsetX = 0; var totalOffsetY = 0; var canvasX = 0; var canvasY = 0; var currentElement = this; do { if(!$(currentElement).is('body')) { totalOffsetX += currentElement.offsetLeft - currentElement.scrollLeft; totalOffsetY += currentElement.offsetTop - currentElement.scrollTop; } } while(currentElement = currentElement.offsetParent) canvasX = event.pageX - totalOffsetX; canvasY = event.pageY - totalOffsetY; return {x:canvasX, y:canvasY} } /* Save the engine path for later use. */ var script_elements = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); var this_element = script_elements[script_elements.length - 1]; var script_path = this_element.src; var engine_path = script_path.substr(0, script_path.lastIndexOf( '/' )+1 ); /* Core engine constructor. */ function Engine(settings) { this.resources = {}; this.sprites = {}; this.sounds = {}; this.objects = {}; this.scenes = {}; this.canvas = null; this.settings = settings; this.loader_created = false; this.instance_increment = 10000; _engine = this; /**--------------------------------------**/ /** PRELOADER **/ /**--------------------------------------**/ this.Preloader = function() { this._engine = _engine; this.queue = []; this.resources_left = 0; this.resources_done = 0; this.resources_total = 0; this.resources_failed = 0; this.images_total = 0; this.scripts_total = 0; this.sounds_total = 0; this.sound_enabled = false; this.sound_ignore_failure = false; if(this._engine.loader_created == false) { /* This is the first Preloader that is being created. Load scripts that are needed by the engine. */ this._engine.loader_created = true; if(typeof this._engine.settings !== "undefined") { if(this._engine.settings["enable_sound"]) { this.AddScript(engine_path + "soundmanager2.js", "SoundManager2"); this.AddFunction(function(){ soundManager.setup({ url: 'static/', onready: this._HandleSM2Ready.bind(this), ontimeout: this._HandleSM2Failed.bind(this), useHighPerformance: true, preferFlash: false }); return false; }, "Initializing SoundManager2"); } else { this._engine.sound_enabled = false; } } } } /* Add function */ this.Preloader.prototype.AddFunction = function(func, description) { this.queue.push({ type: "function", func: func.bind(this), desc: description }); this.resources_left++; this.resources_total++; } /* Add image */ this.Preloader.prototype.AddImage = function(name, path) { this.queue.push({ type: "image", name: name, path: path }); this.resources_left++; this.resources_total++; } /* Add a dictionary of items */ this.Preloader.prototype.AddItems = function(items) { if(typeof items.images != "undefined") { for(name in items.images) { this.AddImage(name, items.images[name]); } } if(typeof items.sounds != "undefined") { for(name in items.sounds) { this.AddSound(name, items.sounds[name]); } } if(typeof items.scripts != "undefined") { for(name in items.scripts) { this.AddScript(name, items.scripts[name]); } } if(typeof items.functions != "undefined") { for(name in items.functions) { this.AddFunction(name, items.functions[name]); } } } /* Add script file */ this.Preloader.prototype.AddScript = function(path, description) { this.queue.push({ type: "script", path: path, desc: description }); this.resources_left++; this.resources_total++; } /* Add sound file */ this.Preloader.prototype.AddSound = function(name, path) { this.queue.push({ type: "sound", name: name, path: path }); this.resources_left++; this.resources_total++; } /* Start the preloading sequence. */ this.Preloader.prototype.Run = function(callbacks) { if(typeof callbacks == "undefined") { this.callbacks = {}; } else { this.callbacks = callbacks; } this.RunCycle(); } /* Process one item in the preloading sequence. */ this.Preloader.prototype.RunCycle = function() { if(this.queue.length > 0) { current_object = this.queue.shift(); if(current_object.type == "image") { this._DoCallback(this.callbacks.onstagechange, { type: "image", description: current_object.path }); current_image = new Image(); current_image.onload = this._ReportResourceFinished.bind(this); current_image.src = current_object.path; this.images_total++; this._engine.resources[current_object.name] = current_image; } else if(current_object.type == "sound") { this._DoCallback(this.callbacks.onstagechange, { type: "sound", description: current_object.path }); if(this._engine.sound_enabled == true) { if(soundManager.canPlayURL(current_object.path)) { var sound = soundManager.createSound({ id: current_object.name, url: current_object.path, autoLoad: true, autoPlay: false, onload: this._ReportResourceFinished.bind(this) }); this.sounds_total++; this._engine.resources[current_object.name] = sound; } else { throw { "name": "SoundError", "message": "The sound format is not supported." } } } else if(this._engine.sound_ignore_failure == true) { /* TODO: Log error */ } else { throw { "name": "SoundError", "message": "Cannot add audio file because sound support is not enabled in the engine." } } } else if(current_object.type == "script") { this._DoCallback(this.callbacks.onstagechange, { type: "script", description: current_object.desc }); $.getScript(current_object.path, this._ReportResourceFinished.bind(this)); this.scripts_total++; } else if(current_object.type == "function") { this._DoCallback(this.callbacks.onstagechange, { type: "function", description: current_object.desc }); var result = current_object.func(this.callbacks); if(result == true) { this._ReportResourceFinished(); } } } else { this._DoCallback(this.callbacks.onfinish) } } /* Check if the preloading sequence is finished and take appropriate action. */ this.Preloader.prototype._CheckIfDone = function() { if(this.resources_left <= 0) { this._DoCallback(this.callbacks.onfinish); } else { this.RunCycle(); } } /* Do a pre-specified callback if it exists. */ this.Preloader.prototype._DoCallback = function(callback, data) { if(typeof callback != "undefined") { callback(data); } } /* Handle successful finishing of the SoundManager2 loading process. */ this.Preloader.prototype._HandleSM2Ready = function() { this._engine.sound_enabled = true; this._ReportResourceFinished(); } /* Handle failure of the SoundManager2 loading process. */ this.Preloader.prototype._HandleSM2Failed = function() { this._engine.sound_enabled = false; this._ReportResourceFinished(); } /* Mark the currently preloading resource as finished. */ this.Preloader.prototype._ReportResourceFinished = function() { this.resources_left--; this.resources_done++; this._DoCallback(this.callbacks.onprogress, { done: this.resources_done, total: this.resources_total, left: this.resources_left, failures: this.resources_failed }); this._CheckIfDone(); } /* Mark the currently preloading resource as failed. */ this.Preloader.prototype._ReportResourceFailed = function() { /* TODO: Implement. */ this.resources_left--; this.resources_failed++; } /**--------------------------------------**/ /** BASE PROPERTIES AND METHODS **/ /**--------------------------------------**/ this.Base = { timers: {}, SetTimer: function(duration, func) { setTimeout((function(self, f){ return f.call.bind(f, self); })(this, func), duration); }, SetInterval: function(name, interval, func) { this.timers[name] = setInterval((function(self, f){ return f.call.bind(f, self); })(this, func), interval); }, CancelInterval: function(name) { clearInterval(this.timers[name]); }, CallEvent: function(func, data) { if(typeof func !== "undefined") { return func.call(this, data); } }, _BubbleEvent: function(func, eventdata, instances) { list = instances.slice().reverse(); var hit_event = false; for(item in list) { var object = list[item]; var result = object.CallEvent(object[func], eventdata); if(typeof result != "undefined") { if(result == false) { break; } else if(result == true) { hit_event = true; } } } return hit_event; } } /**--------------------------------------**/ /** SCENES **/ /**--------------------------------------**/ this.Scene = function(name, options) { if(typeof _engine.scenes[name] !== "undefined") { throw { name: "NameError", message: "A scene with the given name already exists." } } this._engine = _engine; this.canvas = null; this.instances = []; this.dirty = true; this.width = 640; this.height = 480; this.fps = 45; this.name = name; this.cached_selectors = {}; this.mouse_coordinates = {x: 0, y: 0}; this.step_counter = 0; this.draw_counter = 0; this.current_fps = 0; this.date = new Date; $.extend(true, this, options, this._engine.Base); this._engine.scenes[name] = this; } this.Scene.prototype.Add = function(object) { if(typeof object == "string") { if(typeof this._engine.objects[object] !== "undefined") { var instance = this._engine.CreateInstance(object); } else { throw { "name": "ObjectError", "message": "The specified object does not exist." } } } else { var instance = object; } instance.scene = this; this.instances.push(instance); this.dirty = true; } this.Scene.prototype.Attach = function(canvas) { if(typeof $(canvas).data("current-scene") !== "undefined") { /* A different scene was previously attached to this canvas. * Let's detach it first. */ var previous_scene = $(canvas).data("current-scene"); this._engine.scenes[previous_scene].Detach(); } this.canvas = canvas; this._engine.canvas = canvas; canvas.width = this.width; canvas.height = this.height; $(canvas).data("current-scene", this.name); $(canvas).click(this._ProcessClickEvent.bind(this)); $(canvas).mousemove(this._ProcessMouseMoveEvent.bind(this)); this.CallEvent(this.OnLoad); this._Initialize(); } this.Scene.prototype.Detach = function() { $(this.canvas).unbind('click'); $(this.canvas).unbind('mousemove'); $(this.canvas).removeData("current-scene"); this.canvas = null; } this.Scene.prototype.DrawText = function(text, options) { var type = "fill", color = "#000000", x = 0, y = 0; if(typeof options.outline != "undefined" && options.outline) { type = "outline"; } if(typeof options.color != "undefined") { color = options.color; } if(typeof options.x != "undefined") { x = options.x; } if(typeof options.y != "undefined") { y = options.y; } ctx = this._GetTextContext(options); if(type == "fill") { ctx.fillStyle = color; ctx.fillText(text, x, y); } else if(type == "outline") { ctx.strokeStyle = color; ctx.outlineText(text, x, y); } ctx.restore(); } this.Scene.prototype.DrawTextCentered = function(text, options) { var x = 0, scale = 1, width = this.GetTextWidth(text, options); if(typeof options.x != "undefined") { x = options.x; } if(typeof options.scale != "undefined") { scale = options.scale; } x = x - ((width / 2) * scale * scale); options.x = x; this.DrawText(text, options); } this.Scene.prototype.GetTextWidth = function(text, options) { ctx = this._GetTextContext(options); var width = ctx.measureText(text).width; ctx.restore(); return width; } this.Scene.prototype.Redraw = function() { this.dirty = true; } this.Scene.prototype.$ = function(selector) { if(typeof this.cached_selectors[selector] != "undefined") { return this.cached_selectors[selector]; } else { list = this._SelectInstances(this, this.instances, selector); this.cached_selectors[selector] = list; return list; } } this.Scene.prototype._Draw = function() { this.draw_count += 1; if(this.canvas !== null) { var ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); for(i in this.instances) { this.instances[i]._Draw(); } } } this.Scene.prototype._GetTextContext = function(options) { var weight = "normal", style = "normal", font = "sans-serif", size = 16, alpha = 1, scale = 1; if(typeof options.bold != "undefined" && options.bold) { weight = "bold"; } if(typeof options.italic != "undefined" && options.italic) { style = "italic"; } if(typeof options.size != "undefined") { size = options.size; } if(typeof options.font != "undefined") { font = options.font; } if(typeof options.alpha != "undefined") { alpha = options.alpha; } if(typeof options.scale != "undefined") { scale = options.scale; } var ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.save(); ctx.font = weight + " " + style + " " + size + "px '" + font + "'"; ctx.globalAlpha = alpha; ctx.scale(scale, scale); return ctx; } this.Scene.prototype._Initialize = function(event) { this.last_timestamp = this.date.getTime(); this.SetInterval("_step", (1000/this.fps), this._Step); } this.Scene.prototype._ProcessClickEvent = function(event) { var coordinates = this.canvas.relativeCoordinates(event); var changed = this._BubbleEvent("_HandleClickEvent", { x: coordinates.x, y: coordinates.y, button: event.which }, this.$("/" + coordinates.x + "," + coordinates.y)); if(changed == true) { this.dirty = true; } } this.Scene.prototype._ProcessMouseMoveEvent = function(event) { var coordinates = this.canvas.relativeCoordinates(event); this.mouse_coordinates = coordinates; this.mouse_moved = true; } this.Scene.prototype._SelectInstances = function(context, items, selector) { var segments = selector.split("/"); segments.shift(); methods = { "coordinate": { "regex": /^(!?)([0-9]+),([0-9]+)$/i, "action": function(context, items, match){ var inverted = (match[1] == "!"); var x = match[2]; var y = match[3]; return items.filter(function(object){ var hit = false; if(object.draw_self === true) { var sprite = this._engine.GetSprite(object.sprite); if(x >= object.x && x < (object.x + sprite.width) && y > object.y && y < (object.y + sprite.height)) { /* Initial region test succeeded. * TODO: Add bounding rectangles. */ var relative_x = x - object.x; var relative_y = y - object.y; if(object.precise_collision == false) { hit = true; } else { alpha = sprite.GetAlpha(relative_x, relative_y) / 255; if(alpha > object.collision_tolerance) { /* Alpha hit. */ hit = true; } } } } if(inverted == true) { return !hit; } else { return hit; } }); } }, "object": { "regex": /^(!?)([a-z_][a-z0-9_+-]*)$/i, "action": function(context, items, match){ inverted = (match[1] == "!"); name = match[2]; return items.filter(function(object){ if(inverted) { return !(name == object.name); } else { return (name == object.name); } }); } } } for(i in segments) { var segment = segments[i]; for(m in methods) { var method = methods[m]; var match = method.regex.exec(segment); if(match != null) { items = method.action(context, items, match); break; } } } return items; } this.Scene.prototype._Step = function(event) { this.step_counter++; if(this.step_counter == this.fps) { this.step_counter = 0; var date = new Date; var current_timestamp = date.getTime() this.current_fps = (1000 / (current_timestamp - this.last_timestamp)) * this.fps; this.last_timestamp = current_timestamp; } if(this.mouse_moved == true) { this.dirty = this.CallEvent(this.OnMouseMove, this.mouse_coordinates) ? true : this.dirty; var select = function(prefix, coordinates) { var selector = "/" + prefix + coordinates.x + "," + coordinates.y; return this.$(selector); }.bind(this); this.dirty = this._BubbleEvent("_HandleMouseOutEvent", this.mouse_coordinates, select("!", this.mouse_coordinates)) ? true : this.dirty; this.dirty = this._BubbleEvent("_HandleMouseOverEvent", this.mouse_coordinates, select("", this.mouse_coordinates)) ? true : this.dirty; this.dirty = this._BubbleEvent("_HandleMouseMoveEvent", this.mouse_coordinates, this.$("/")) ? true : this.dirty; this.mouse_moved = false; } if(this.CallEvent(this.OnStep, {}) == true) { this.dirty = true; } if(this._BubbleEvent("_HandleStepEvent", {}, this.instances) == true) { this.dirty = true; } if(this.dirty == true) { this.dirty = false; this.cached_selectors = {}; this._Draw(); } } /**--------------------------------------**/ /** SOUNDS **/ /**--------------------------------------**/ this.Sound = function(name, source) { if(typeof _engine.sounds[name] !== "undefined") { throw { name: "NameError", message: "A sound with the given name already exists." } } if(typeof _engine.resources[source] === "undefined") { throw { name: "ResourceError", message: "The specified resource does not exist." } } this._engine = _engine; this.source = this._engine.resources[source]; this.name = name; this._engine.sounds[name] = this; } this.Sound.prototype.Play = function(options) { if(this._engine.sound_enabled == true) { this.source.play(options); } } /**--------------------------------------**/ /** OBJECTS **/ /**--------------------------------------**/ this.Object = function(name, proto) { if(typeof _engine.objects[name] !== "undefined") { throw { name: "NameError", message: "An object with the given name already exists." } } /* Base settings */ this._engine = _engine; this.name = ""; /* Metrics */ this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.width = 0; this.height = 0; this.alpha = 1; /* Collision handling */ this.collision_tolerance = 0.2; this.precise_collision = false; /* Internal variables */ this.draw_self = (typeof proto.sprite !== "undefined"); this.scene = null; this.last_moused_over = false; /* Create a constructor for the object. */ var skeleton = new Function(); $.extend(true, skeleton.prototype, this, this._engine.Base, proto); skeleton.prototype.name = name; /* Store constructor and return prototype. */ this._engine.objects[name] = skeleton; return skeleton.prototype; } this.Object.prototype.CreateInstance = function(vars) { return this._engine.CreateInstance(this, vars); } this.Object.prototype.Destroy = function() { this.CallEvent(this.OnDestroy); if(this.scene != null) { var index = this.scene.instances.indexOf(this); if(index != -1) { this.scene.instances.splice(index, 1); } } } this.Object.prototype._Draw = function() { if(this.draw_self == true && typeof this.sprite !== "undefined") { if(typeof this._engine.sprites[this.sprite] === "undefined") { throw { name: "SpriteError", message: "The specified sprite does not exist." } } this._engine.sprites[this.sprite].Draw(this.scene.canvas, this); } this.CallEvent(this.OnDraw, {canvas: this.scene.canvas}); } this.Object.prototype._HandleClickEvent = function(event) { var relative_x = event.x - this.x; var relative_y = event.y - this.y; events = { 1: this.OnClick, 2: this.OnMiddleClick, 3: this.OnRightClick } func = events[event.button]; this.CallEvent(func, { x: event.x, y: event.y, button: event.button, relative_x: relative_x, relative_y: relative_y }); return true; } this.Object.prototype._HandleMouseMoveEvent = function(event) { this.CallEvent(this.OnMouseMove, { x: event.x, y: event.y }); return true; } this.Object.prototype._HandleMouseOutEvent = function(event) { if(this.last_moused_over == true) { this.last_moused_over = false; this.CallEvent(this.OnMouseOut, { x: event.x, y: event.y }); return true; } } this.Object.prototype._HandleMouseOverEvent = function(event) { if(this.last_moused_over == false) { var relative_x = event.x - this.x; var relative_y = event.y - this.y; this.last_moused_over = true; this.CallEvent(this.OnMouseOver, { x: event.x, y: event.y, relative_x: relative_x, relative_y: relative_y }); return true; } } this.Object.prototype._HandleStepEvent = function(event) { if(typeof this.sprite != "undefined") { var sprite = this._engine.sprites[this.sprite]; this.width = sprite.width; this.height = sprite.height; } return this.CallEvent(this.OnStep, event); } /**--------------------------------------**/ /** SPRITES **/ /**--------------------------------------**/ this.Sprite = function(name, source, options) { if(typeof _engine.sprites[name] !== "undefined") { throw { name: "NameError", message: "A sprite with the given name already exists." } } if(typeof _engine.resources[source] === "undefined") { throw { name: "ResourceError", message: "The specified resource does not exist." } } this._engine = _engine; this.source = this._engine.resources[source]; this.name = name; if(typeof options.tile_x !== "undefined" && typeof options.tile_y !== "undefined" && typeof options.tile_w !== "undefined" && typeof options.tile_h !== "undefined") { this.tile_x = options.tile_x; this.tile_y = options.tile_y; this.tile_w = options.tile_w; this.tile_h = options.tile_h; this.tile = true; } else if(typeof options.tile_x !== "undefined" || typeof options.tile_y !== "undefined" || typeof options.tile_w !== "undefined" || typeof options.tile_h !== "undefined") { throw { name: "SpriteError", message: "Only a part of the tile parameters were specified." } } else { this.tile = false; } /* Store image data for click events and collision detection. */ var collision_canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); var width, height; if(this.tile == false) { width = this.source.width; height = this.source.height; } else if(this.tile == true) { width = this.tile_w; height = this.tile_h; } collision_canvas.width = this.width = width; collision_canvas.height = this.height = height; this.Draw(collision_canvas, null, {x: 0, y: 0, alpha: 1}); ctx = collision_canvas.getContext("2d"); this.image_data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, width, height); delete collision_canvas; /* Store in engine. */ this._engine.sprites[name] = this; } this.Sprite.prototype.Draw = function(canvas, object, options) { ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); if((typeof object == "undefined" || object == null) && (typeof options == "undefined" || typeof options.x == "undefined" || typeof options.y == "undefined")) { throw { name: "DrawError", message: "No drawing coordinates were specified." } } else if(typeof object == "undefined" || object == null) { var x = options.x; var y = options.y; } else { var x = object.x; var y = object.y; } if(typeof options != "undefined" && typeof options.alpha != "undefined") { var alpha = options.alpha; } else if(typeof object != "undefined" && object != null) { var alpha = object.alpha; } else { throw { name: "DrawError", message: "No alpha value was specified." } } ctx.globalAlpha = alpha; if(this.tile == true) { ctx.drawImage(this.source, this.tile_x, this.tile_y, this.tile_w, this.tile_h, x, y, this.tile_w, this.tile_h); } else { ctx.drawImage(this.source, x, y); } } this.Sprite.prototype.GetAlpha = function(x, y) { var key = (((y * this.width) + x) * 4) + 3; return this.image_data.data[key]; } /**--------------------------------------**/ /** ENGINE FUNCTIONS **/ /**--------------------------------------**/ this.AddItems = function(items) { if(typeof items.sprites != "undefined") { for(name in items.sprites) { if(typeof items.sprites[name] == "string") { /* Stand-alone sprite. */ new _engine.Sprite(name, items.sprites[name], {}); } else { /* Probably a tileset. */ new _engine.Sprite(name, items.sprites[name], { tile_x: items.sprites[name].tile_x, tile_y: items.sprites[name].tile_y, tile_w: items.sprites[name].tile_w, tile_h: items.sprites[name].tile_h, }); } } } if(typeof items.sounds != "undefined") { for(name in items.sounds) { new _engine.Sound(name, items.sounds[name]); } } if(typeof items.objects != "undefined") { for(name in items.objects) { new _engine.Object(name, items.objects[name]); } } if(typeof items.scenes != "undefined") { for(name in items.scenes) { new _engine.Scene(name, items.scenes[name]); } } } this.CreateInstance = function(object, vars) { this.instance_increment++; if(typeof data == "undefined") { var data = {id: this.instance_increment}; } else { data.id = this.instance_increment; } if(typeof object == "string") { var instance = new this.objects[object](); } else { var skeleton = new Function(); skeleton.prototype = object; var instance = new skeleton(); } $.extend(true, instance, vars); /* Call creation event. */ instance.CallEvent(instance.OnCreate, {}); return instance; } this.GetObject = function(name) { return this.objects[name].prototype; } this.GetScene = function(name) { return this.scenes[name]; } this.GetSound = function(name) { return this.sounds[name]; } this.GetSprite = function(name) { return this.sprites[name]; } /**--------------------------------------**/ /** STANDARD LIBRARY **/ /**--------------------------------------**/ this.Math = {}; this.Math.Abs = Math.abs; this.Math.Absolute = Math.abs; this.Math.Acos = Math.acos; this.Math.Arccosine = Math.acos; this.Math.Asin = Math.asin; this.Math.Arcsine = Math.asin; this.Math.Atan = Math.atan; this.Math.Arctangent = Math.atan; this.Math.Atan2 = Math.atan2; this.Math.Arctangent2 = Math.atan2; this.Math.Ceil = Math.ceil; this.Math.Ceiling = Math.ceil; this.Math.Cos = Math.cos; this.Math.Cosine = Math.cos; this.Math.Exp = Math.exp; this.Math.Floor = Math.floor; this.Math.Log = Math.log; this.Math.Logarithm = Math.log; this.Math.Min = Math.min; this.Math.Minimum = Math.min; this.Math.Max = Math.max; this.Math.Maximum = Math.max; this.Math.Pow = Math.pow; this.Math.Power = Math.pow; this.Math.Round = Math.round; this.Math.Sin = Math.sin; this.Math.Sine = Math.sin; this.Math.Sqrt = Math.sqrt; this.Math.SquareRoot = Math.sqrt; this.Math.Tan = Math.tan; this.Math.Tangent = Math.tan; this.Random = {}; this.Random.Choose = function() { if(arguments.length == 0) { /* The user passed in nothing. Bail out. */ throw { name: "ArgumentError", message: "No arguments were specified." } } else if(arguments.length == 1 && typeof arguments[0].length != "undefined") { /* The user passed in an array. */ arguments = arguments[0]; } return arguments[Math.floor(Math.random() * arguments.length)]; } this.Random.Number = function(floor, ceiling, precision) { var floor = (typeof floor == "undefined") ? 0 : floor; var ceiling = (typeof ceiling == "undefined") ? 1 : ceiling; var precision = (typeof ceiling == "undefined") ? 0.00000001 : precision; var base_number = Math.random(); var width = Math.abs(ceiling - floor); var rounding_factor = 1 / precision; var multiplied = floor + (base_number * width); return Math.floor(multiplied * rounding_factor) / rounding_factor; } this.Random.Pick = function() { var chosen = []; var results = []; var _arguments = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); var count = _arguments.shift(); if(arguments.length == 0) { /* The user passed in nothing. Bail out. */ throw { name: "ArgumentError", message: "No arguments were specified." } } else if(_arguments.length == 1 && typeof _arguments[0].length != "undefined") { /* The user passed in an array. */ _arguments = _arguments[0]; } if(count > _arguments.length) { /* The user requested more items than exist in the arguments. */ throw { name: "ArgumentError", message: "Not enough arguments were specified. The amount of specified items must be equal to or larger than the requested amount." } } for(var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var id = 0; do { id = Math.floor(Math.random() * _arguments.length); } while (chosen.indexOf(id) != -1) chosen.push(id); results.push(_arguments[id]); } return results; } this.Random.String = function(length, alphabet) { if(typeof alphabet == "undefined") { alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"; } rand = ""; for(i = 0; i < length; i++) { rand += alphabet[Math.floor(Math.random() * alphabet.length)]; } return rand; } this.Draw = {}; this.Draw.Text = function(x, y, text, options) { } this.Draw.Rectangle = function(x1, y1, x2, y2, options) { } this.Draw.Line = function(x1, y1, x2, y2, options) { } this.Draw.BoxEllipse = function(x1, y1, x2, y2, options) { var x = (x1 + x2) / 2; var y = (y1 + y2) / 2; var rx = (x2 - x1) / 2; var ry = (y2 - y1) / 2; this.RadiusEllipse(x, y, rx, ry, options); } this.Draw.RadiusEllipse = function(x, y, rx, ry, options) { var canvas = $("#gamecanvas")[0]; var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.beginPath(); if(rx == ry) { /* Circle. */ ctx.arc(x, y, rx, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); } else { /* Ellipse. */ var step = 0.1 ctx.moveTo(x + rx, y); for (var i = 0; i < Math.PI * 2 + step; i += step) { ctx.lineTo(x + Math.cos(i) * rx, y + Math.sin(i) * ry); } } ctx.lineWidth = 1; ctx.strokeStyle = 'black'; ctx.stroke(); } this.Draw.BoxPolygon = function(x1, y1, x2, y2, sides, options) { } this.Draw.RadiusPolygon = function(x, y, radius, sides, options) { } }