class Scene constructor: (@engine, @name) -> @instances = {} @surfaces = [] @dirty = true # Triggers first draw @last_instance_id = 100 @active = false @width = 800 @height = 600 @last_width = 800 @last_height = 600 addTargetSurface: (surface) => @surfaces.push(surface) @engine.updateCanvasSize(surface, @width, @height) $(surface).on("mousemove.radium", (event) => canvas_pos = surface.getBoundingClientRect() @mouse_x = (event.clientX - canvas_pos.left) | 0 @mouse_y = (event.clientY - | 0 $("#debug").html("#{@mouse_x} / #{@mouse_y}") @checkMouseCollisions() ) @checkActive() removeTargetSurface: (surface) => @surfaces = @surfaces.filter (obj) -> obj isnt surface $(surface).off("mousemove.radium") @checkActive() checkActive: => @active = (@surfaces.length > 0) iteration: => if @width != @last_width or @height != @last_height @engine.updateCanvasSize(surface, @width, @height) for surface in @surfaces [@last_width, @last_height] = [@width, @height] for id, instance of @instances if instance.callEvent("step") @dirty = true if @dirty @redraw() @dirty = false redraw: => for surface in @surfaces ctx = @engine.getSurface(surface) ctx.clearRect(0, 0, surface.width, surface.height); instance.callEvent("draw", {surface: surface}) for id, instance of @instances checkMouseCollisions: => for id, instance of @instances instance.callEvent("mouseover") if instance.checkPointCollision(@mouse_x, @mouse_y) createInstance: (object, x = 0, y = 0) => id = @last_instance_id += 1 instance = window.Object.create(@engine.getObject(object)) instance.x = x instance.y = y = id instance.scene = this @instances[id] = instance instance.callEvent("create") return instance changeScene: (scene) => # This will change to a different scene, but inherit the target surfaces pass