# Engine.Math The Math library provides several functions to do mathematical operations or calculations. Most of these functions are simply aliases of the functions built into JavaScript. {TOC} ^ Engine.Math.Absolute(**x**) Engine.Math.Abs(**x**) Returns the absolute value of `x`. **This is an alias of the standard Math.abs function in JavaScript.** x:: The number. @ Get the absolute value of a positive number $ Engine.Math.Absolute(16); > 16 @ Get the absolute value of a negative number $ Engine.Math.Absolute(-23); > 23 ^ Engine.Random.Sum(**item** [, **item** [, **item** ...]]) Engine.Random.Sum(**itemarray**) Returns the sum of all supplied numbers. item:: An individual number. itemarray:: An array of numbers. @ Sum several numbers using individual arguments $ Engine.Math.Sum(42, 6, 17, 2, 7); > 74 @ Sum several numbers using an array $ var numbers = [42, 6, 17, 2, 7]; Engine.Math.Sum(numbers); > 74 ^ Engine.Math.Round(**x**) Rounds `x` to the nearest integer. **This is an alias of the standard Math.round function in JavaScript.** x:: The value to round. @ Rounding a number in the upper half $ Engine.Math.Ceiling(82.62); > 83 @ Rounding a number in the lower half $ Engine.Math.Ceiling(82.13); > 82 ^ Engine.Math.Ceiling(**x**) Engine.Math.Ceil(**x**) Rounds up `x`. **This is an alias of the standard Math.ceil function in JavaScript.** x:: The value to round up. @ Rounding up a number $ Engine.Math.Ceiling(614.2162); > 615 ^ Engine.Math.Floor(**x**) Rounds down `x`. **This is an alias of the standard Math.floor function in JavaScript.** x:: The value to round down. @ Rounding down a number $ Engine.Math.Floor(7.612); > 7 ^ Engine.Math.Tangent(**x**) Engine.Math.Tan(**x**) Returns the tangent of angle `x`. **This is an alias of the standard Math.tan function in JavaScript.** x:: The value. @ Calculating the tangent $ Engine.Math.Tangent(84.15); > -0.7971515163204654 ^ Engine.Math.Cosine(**x**) Engine.Math.Cos(**x**) Returns the cosine of `x`. **This is an alias of the standard Math.cos function in JavaScript.** x:: The value (in radians). @ Calculating the cosine $ Engine.Math.Cosine(162.54); > 0.6801581420388815 ^ Engine.Math.Sine(**x**) Engine.Math.Sin(**x**) Returns the sine of `x`. **This is an alias of the standard Math.sin function in JavaScript.** x:: The value (in radians). @ Calculating the sine $ Engine.Math.Sine(62.4); > -0.41855446451842543