if(RadiumEngine !== undefined) { /*Class*/ RadiumEngine.prototype.IsometricMap = function(canvas) { this.tile_width = 32; this.tile_height = 64; this.width = 6; this.height = 6; this.mouse_tile = undefined; this.mouse_tile_x = 0; this.mouse_tile_y = 0; this.mouse_over = false; this.fill_screen = false; this.canvas = canvas this.context = canvas.getContext("2d"); $(this.canvas).bind('mousemove', {'self': this}, function(event){ self = event.data.self; var rect = self.canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); var root = document.documentElement; var mouse_x = event.clientX - rect.top - root.scrollTop; var mouse_y = event.clientY - rect.left - root.scrollLeft; var coords = event.data.self.TileFromPosition(mouse_x, mouse_y); this.mouse_tile = coords; /*$('#status').html(coords.x + " , " + coords.y);*/ }); var Configure = this.Configure = function(tile_width, tile_height) { this.tile_width = tile_width; this.tile_height = tile_height; } this.SetFill = function(enabled) { if(enabled === true) { $(this.canvas).css({ 'position': "absolute", 'left': "0px", 'top': "0px" }); $('body').css({ 'overflow': "hidden" }); } this.fill_screen = enabled; this.UpdateSize(); } this.UpdateSize = function() { if(this.fill_screen === false) { this.canvas.width = $(this.canvas).width(); this.canvas.height = $(this.canvas).height(); } else { this.canvas.width = window.innerWidth; this.canvas.height = window.innerHeight; $(this.canvas).css({ 'width': window.innerWidth + "px", 'height': window.innerHeight + "px" }); } } var Redraw = this.Redraw = function() { for(var i = 0; i < this.height; i++) { for(var r = 0; r < this.width; r++) { this.DrawTile(r, i); pos = this.GetTilePosition(r, i); this.context.fillRect(pos.x, pos.y, 1, 1); } } } this.DrawTile = function(tile_x, tile_y) { var pos_x = tile_x * this.tile_width; var pos_y = tile_y * this.tile_height; var t1 = this.GetTileOrigin(tile_x, tile_y); var t2 = t1.Add(new RadiumEngine.Point(this.tile_width / 2, this.tile_height / 2)); var t3 = t1.Add(new RadiumEngine.Point(0, this.tile_height)); var t4 = t1.Add(new RadiumEngine.Point(0 - (this.tile_width / 2), this.tile_height / 2)); /*var t1 = new RadiumEngine.Point(pos_x + (this.tile_width / 2), pos_y); var t2 = new RadiumEngine.Point(pos_x + this.tile_width, pos_y + (this.tile_height / 2)); var t3 = new RadiumEngine.Point(pos_x + (this.tile_width / 2), pos_y + this.tile_height); var t4 = new RadiumEngine.Point(pos_x, pos_y + (this.tile_height / 2));*/ this.context.beginPath(); this.context.moveTo(t1.x, t1.y); this.context.lineTo(t2.x, t2.y); this.context.lineTo(t3.x, t3.y); this.context.lineTo(t4.x, t4.y); this.context.lineTo(t1.x, t1.y); switch(tile_y) { case 0: this.context.lineWidth = 1; break; case 1: this.context.lineWidth = 2; break; case 2: this.context.lineWidth = 3; break; case 3: this.context.lineWidth = 4; break; case 4: this.context.lineWidth = 5; break; case 5: this.context.lineWidth = 6; break; } switch(tile_x) { case 0: this.context.strokeStyle = "blue"; break; case 1: this.context.strokeStyle = "purple"; break; case 2: this.context.strokeStyle = "green"; break; case 3: this.context.strokeStyle = "red"; break; case 4: this.context.strokeStyle = "maroon"; break; case 5: this.context.strokeStyle = "black"; break; } this.context.stroke(); } this.GetBasePoint = function() { return new RadiumEngine.Point((this.width * this.tile_width) / 2, 0); } this.GetTileOrigin = function(tile_x, tile_y) { /* Determine base point (0,0) of the isometric diamond. */ base_point = this.GetBasePoint(); /* Determine offset for determining starting point for the current row (tile_y coordinate). */ row_offset = new RadiumEngine.Point(0 - ((this.tile_width / 2) * tile_y), (this.tile_height / 2) * tile_y); /* Determine specific offset of the specified tile_x coordinate on the tile_y row. */ tile_offset = new RadiumEngine.Point((this.tile_width / 2) * tile_x, (this.tile_height / 2) * tile_x); /* Return the sum of the above to determine the actual tile position on the canvas. */ return base_point.Add(row_offset, tile_offset); } this.GetTilePosition = function(tile_x, tile_y) { origin = this.GetTileOrigin(tile_x, tile_y); return origin.Add(new RadiumEngine.Point(0 - (this.tile_width / 2), 0)); } this.TileFromPosition = function(x, y) { p = new RadiumEngine.Point(x, y); a = self.GetBasePoint(); b = a.Add(new RadiumEngine.Point(0 - (this.tile_width / 2), this.tile_height / 2)); c = a.Add(new RadiumEngine.Point(this.tile_width / 2, this.tile_height / 2)); /* Compute vectors. */ v0 = c.Subtract(a); v1 = b.Subtract(a); v2 = p.Subtract(a); /* Compute dot products. */ dot00 = RadiumEngine.dot_product([v0.x, v0.y], [v0.x, v0.y]); dot01 = RadiumEngine.dot_product([v0.x, v0.y], [v1.x, v1.y]); dot02 = RadiumEngine.dot_product([v0.x, v0.y], [v2.x, v2.y]); dot11 = RadiumEngine.dot_product([v1.x, v1.y], [v1.x, v1.y]); dot12 = RadiumEngine.dot_product([v1.x, v1.y], [v2.x, v2.y]); /* Compute tile. */ inv_denom = 1 / (dot00 * dot11 - dot01 * dot01); tile_x = (dot11 * dot02 - dot01 * dot12) * inv_denom; tile_y = (dot00 * dot12 - dot01 * dot02) * inv_denom; return new RadiumEngine.Point(Math.floor(tile_x), Math.floor(tile_y)); } } }