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class Object
constructor: (@engine, @name) ->
@sprite = null
@x = 0
@y = 0
callEvent: (name, data = {}) =>
switch name
when "create" then @onCreate?(data)
when "step" then @onStep?(data)
when "draw"
@drawSelf(data.surface ? "")
drawSelf: (surface) =>
drawSprite: (surface = "") =>
@sprite.draw(@x, @y, {}, surface) if @sprite? and (@draw_sprite ? "true")
getBoundingBox: =>
image_size = @sprite?.getSize()
return {
x1: @x
x2: @x + image_size?.width
y1: @y
y2: @y + image_size?.height
checkPointCollision: (x, y) =>
# TODO: Precision collision matching!
bounding_box = @getBoundingBox()
return x >= bounding_box?.x1 and x <= bounding_box?.x2 and y >= bounding_box?.y1 and y <= bounding_box?.y2