You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

22 lines
848 B

"use strict";
const { validateArguments } = require("@validatem/core");
const required = require("@validatem/required");
const node = require("../ast-node");
module.exports = function (operations) {
const isValueExpression = require("../validators/operations/is-value-expression")(operations);
const isField = require("../validators/operations/is-field");
return function alias(_name, _expression) {
let [ name, expression ] = validateArguments(arguments, {
name: [ required, isField ],
// FIXME: Make more strict to only accept column references, and expect the user to use compute for the rest (which should internally use an _expression type or so to pass into alias, during set-collapse-by-field)
expression: [ required, isValueExpression ]
return node({ type: "alias", field: name, expression: expression });