You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

57 lines
1.4 KiB

"use strict";
const syncpipe = require("syncpipe");
const table = require("table").table;
const chalk = require("chalk");
const unreachable = require("./unreachable");
function renderTable(data) {
return table(data, {
border: {
topBody: "",
topJoin: "",
topLeft: "",
topRight: "",
bottomBody: "",
bottomJoin: "",
bottomLeft: "",
bottomRight: "",
bodyLeft: "",
bodyRight: "",
joinLeft: "",
joinRight: ""
module.exports = function renderSchema(dbSchema) {
return Object.entries(dbSchema)
.map(([ collectionName, schema ]) => {
let tableData = [
[ chalk.bold("Column"), chalk.bold("Type"), " " ]
].concat(syncpipe(schema.fields, [
(_) => Object.entries(_),
(_) => _.filter(([ _columnName, definition ]) => definition != null),
(_) =>[ fieldName, definition ]) => {
let link = definition.linkTo;
if (link != null) {
if (link.type === "remoteField") {
let linkedField = dbSchema[link.collectionName].fields[link.fieldName];
return [ fieldName, chalk.gray(linkedField.type), `-> ${link.collectionName}.${link.fieldName}` ];
} else {
unreachable("Non-remoteField link encountered");
} else {
return [ fieldName, definition.type, " " ]; // FIXME: Linked type
return + "\n\n" + renderTable(tableData);