Contribute to AnonNews monthly, no automatic charges.
- -How does it work?
-- Most recurring services - even charities! - will automatically charge your account every month. - ReDonate is different. -
-- When you subscribe to a ReDonate campaign, you only have to tell us how much you want to donate, and provide - your e-mail address. Every month, we will e-mail you to remind you of your pledge. The e-mail you receive will - include a list of payment methods, and an unsubscribe link. -
-- What this means in simple terms is that you'll never be automatically charged for a donation - - you can decide to cancel your subscription at any time, without hassle, and without "oops, I forgot to cancel" - moments! -
- -Why use ReDonate?
-- Many donors wish to donate to a cause at regular intervals, but do not want to have their account charged automatically. - To take away the hassle of having to remember to donate every month, ReDonate was born. No need to remember a - donation schedule, and no automatic charges either! -
-Subscribe to a recurring donation
-- My e-mail address is... - -
-- ... and I'd like to pledge - - - a month. -
-- -
- -One-off donation
-- - -
-Is this safe?
-- Short answer: Yes. -
-- The longer answer: ReDonate does not actually process any payments. You'll be using the same payment processor - that you'd be using to donate otherwise - we're just here to remind you. We do not have access to any of your - accounts, nor can we control where donations go. -
-- We also have no reason to sell or otherwise misuse your data. ReDonate is an entirely non-profit project. It's - supported by the Cryto Coding Collective, a collective of developers that has - been running off donations for nearly two years now. We won't use your - e-mail address for anything other than sending you reminders, and every e-mail includes an unsubscribe link. -