
{%if isempty|notices == false} {%foreach notice in notices}
{%/foreach} {%/if} {%if isempty|campaigns == true} {%else} {%foreach campaign in campaigns} {%/foreach} {%/if}
Name Type Amount of subscribers Percentage of subscribed donations actually made in the past month Total amount of subscribed donations per month Estimate of real donations per month, based on donation rate Payment methods
You do not currently have any campaigns.
{%?campaign[name]} {%if campaign[one-off] == false} Recurring {%else} Recurring & One-off {%/if} {%?campaign[subscribers]} {%if campaign[have-data] == true} {%?campaign[rate]}% {%else} - {%/if} {%?campaign[total]} {%?campaign[projection]} {%foreach method in campaign[payment-methods]} {%if isempty|method[image] == false} {%else} {%/if} {%/foreach}
Total {%?total-subscribers} {%?total-rate}% {%?total-total} {%?total-projection}