$router->uParameters[1]), 30, true); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { throw new RouterException("Campaign does not exist."); } if($sCampaign->VerifyAdministratorAccess($_SESSION['user_id']) === false) { throw new RouterException("Not authorized to administrate this campaign."); } if(!empty($_POST['submit'])) { if(empty($_POST['address'])) { flash_error("You did not enter a valid address or account ID."); } if(!isset($_POST['method']) || $_POST['method'] == "") { flash_error("You did not select a valid payment method."); } elseif($_POST['method'] == "0" && empty($_POST['customname'])) { flash_error("You did not enter a valid name for the payment method."); } elseif(PaymentMethod::CheckIfValidMethod($_POST['method']) === false) { flash_error("You did not select a valid payment method."); } elseif(PaymentMethod::ValidateAddress($_POST['method'], $_POST['address']) === false) { flash_error("The address you entered is invalid."); } if(count(get_errors(false)) == 0) { $sPaymentMethod = new PaymentMethod(0); $sPaymentMethod->uType = $_POST['method']; $sPaymentMethod->uAddress = $_POST['address']; $sPaymentMethod->uCampaignId = $sCampaign->sId; if($_POST['method'] == 0) { $sPaymentMethod->uCustomName = $_POST['customname']; } $sPaymentMethod->InsertIntoDatabase(); flash_notice("The payment method was successfully added."); redirect("/dashboard/{$sCampaign->uUrlName}"); } } $sPageTitle = "Add payment method"; $sPageContents = NewTemplater::Render("campaign/addmethod", $locale->strings, array( "name" => $sCampaign->sName, "urlname" => $sCampaign->sUrlName ));