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* ReDonate is more free software. It is licensed under the WTFPL, which
* allows you to do pretty much anything with it, without having to
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* to benefit other developers, but you are under no enforced
* obligation to do so :)
* Please read the accompanying LICENSE document for the full WTFPL
* licensing text.
if(!isset($_APP)) { die("Unauthorized."); }
class CurrencyConversionException extends Exception { }
class CurrencyFormattingException extends Exception { }
class Currency
public static function Convert($target_currency, $original_currency, $amount)
$original_currency = strtoupper($original_currency);
$target_currency = strtoupper($target_currency);
$sOriginRate = ExchangeRate::CreateFromQuery("SELECT * FROM exchange_rates WHERE `Code` = :Code", array(":Code" => $original_currency), 300, true);
catch (NotFoundException $e)
throw new CurrencyConversionException("The specified origin currency is not a valid currency code.");
$sUsdRate = $amount * $sOriginRate->sFromRate;
if($target_currency === "USD")
return $sUsdRate;
$sTargetRate = ExchangeRate::CreateFromQuery("SELECT * FROM exchange_rates WHERE `Code` = :Code", array(":Code" => $target_currency), 300, true);
catch (NotFoundException $e)
throw new CurrencyConversionException("The specified target currency is not a valid currency code.");
$sResult = $sUsdRate * $sTargetRate->sToRate;
return $sResult;
public static function Format($currency, $amount, $precision = 2)
$sExchangeRate = ExchangeRate::CreateFromQuery("SELECT * FROM exchange_rates WHERE `Code` = :Code", array(":Code" => $currency), 30, true);
catch (NotFoundException $e)
throw new CurrencyFormattingException("The specified currency is not a valid currency code.");
if($sExchangeRate->sSymbol == "")
return "{$sExchangeRate->sCurrencyCode} " . number_format($amount, $precision);
return "{$sExchangeRate->sSymbol}" . number_format($amount, $precision);
public static function UpdateRates()
global $cphp_config;
$json = json_decode(file_get_contents("{$cphp_config->openexchangerates->app_id}"), true);
$rates = $json["rates"];
foreach($rates as $currency => $rate)
ExchangeRate::Update($currency, $rate);