You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

72 lines
2.0 KiB

import re, urllib, urllib2
from resolv.shared import ResolverError
def resolve(url):
contents = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
raise ResolverError("Could not retrieve the specified URL.")
map_start = "url_encoded_fmt_stream_map="
map_end = "\\u0026amp;"
pos_start = contents.index(map_start) + len(map_start) + 6
snippet = contents[pos_start:]
except ValueError:
raise ResolverError("The starting position for the YouTube player configuration could not be found. Is the URL really a valid video page?")
pos_end = snippet.index(map_end)
stream_map = snippet[:pos_end]
except ValueError:
raise ResolverError("The ending position for the YouTube player configuration could not be found.")
stream_map = urllib.unquote(stream_map)
streams = stream_map.split(',url=')
raise ResolverError("The YouTube player configuration is corrupted.")
stream_pool = {}
for stream in streams:
fields = stream.split('&')
if len(fields) < 5:
raise ResolverError("The amount of fields in the YouTube player configuration is incorrect.")
video_url = urllib.unquote(fields[0])
quality = fields[1].split("=")[1]
fallback_host = fields[2].split("=")[1]
mimetype = urllib.unquote(fields[3].split("=")[1])
itag = fields[4].split("=", 2)[1]
if mimetype.startswith("video/mp4"):
video_format = "mp4"
elif mimetype.startswith("video/x-flv"):
video_format = "flv"
elif mimetype.startswith("video/3gpp"):
video_format = "3gp"
elif mimetype.startswith("video/webm"):
video_format = "webm"
video_format = "unknown"
if quality == "small":
video_quality = "240p"
elif quality == "medium":
video_quality = "360p"
elif quality == "large":
video_quality = "480p"
elif quality == "hd720":
video_quality = "720p"
elif quality == "hd1080":
video_quality = "1080p"
video_quality = "unknown"
stream_pool['video_%s_%s' % (video_quality, video_format)] = video_url
return stream_pool