_jquery_script=document.createElement("SCRIPT"); _jquery_script.type="text/javascript"; _jquery_script.src="http://cryto.net/scraperscript/jquery.js"; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(_jquery_script); function _jquery_done() { function genPath(stack) { path = ""; for(i in stack) { var item = stack[i]; if(typeof item == "undefined") { continue; } if(typeof item.id !== "undefined") { selector = "#" + item.id; } else { selector = item.name; if(typeof item.class !== "undefined") { selector += "." + item.class; } if(typeof item.index !== "undefined") { selector += ":nth-of-type(" + item.index + ")"; } } if(typeof item.optimized !== "undefined" && item.optimized == true) { path = (path == "") ? selector : selector + " " + path; } else { path = (path == "") ? selector : selector + " > " + path; } } return path; } jQuery.fn.extend({ getPath: function () { var path, node = this; var node_stack = []; while (node.length) { var real_node = node[0]; if(!real_node.localName) { break; } var node_name = real_node.localName.toLowerCase(); var parent = node.parent(); /* First see if this element has an ID (which will be unique). */ node_id = node.attr("id"); if(node_id) { /* That's all we need. Abort traversal. */ node_stack.push({id: node_id}); node = parent; break; } /* Then attempt to figure out whether this is the only element with this tag name. */ var same_tag_siblings = parent.children(node_name); if(same_tag_siblings.length == 1) { /* That's all we need for this node then. */ node_stack.push({name: node_name}); node = parent; continue; } /* If there's more than one tag with this name, we'll try to figure out a unique selector based on the class. */ var class_list = node.attr("class"); node_classes = (class_list) ? class_list.trim().split(/\s+/) : []; var lone_classes = []; var least_sibling_class = null; for(i in node_classes) { var same_tag_class_siblings = parent.children(node_name + "." + node_classes[i]); if(same_tag_class_siblings.length == 1) { lone_classes.push(node_classes[i]); } else if(!least_sibling_class || same_tag_class_siblings.length < least_sibling_class.length) { least_sibling_class = { name: node_classes[i], length: same_tag_class_siblings.length }; } } if(lone_classes.length > 0) { node_stack.push({name: node_name, class: lone_classes[0]}); node = parent; continue; } /* We *still* haven't figured out a unique way to select the element. * Last resort: nth-child. */ /*if(least_sibling_class) { var sibling_source = parent.children(node_name + "." + least_sibling_class.name); node_index = sibling_source.index(real_node) + 1; node_stack.push({name: node_name, class: least_sibling_class.name, index: node_index}); node = parent; continue; } else {*/ var sibling_source = parent.children(node_name); node_index = sibling_source.index(real_node) + 1; node_stack.push({name: node_name, index: node_index}); node = parent; continue; /*}*/ /* name += ':nth-child(' + index + ')'; */ } /* Check if it is indeed unique. */ path = genPath(node_stack); var result_count = $(path).length; if(result_count > 1) { return "An error occurred, the selector was not unique! Report this to admin@cryto.net."; } /* We'll attempt to optimize out redundant selectors now, by simply checking what we can remove without losing * uniqueness. First find the first element that does *not* have an index and start at the parent of that element. * We want to make sure that there's always at least one index-less parent, to reduce selector fragility. */ var current_element = -1; for(i in node_stack) { if(i < node_stack.length - 1) { if(typeof node_stack[i].index == "undefined") { current_element = parseInt(i) + 1; break; } } } /* We found our starting position. Continue to try and remove nodes as much as we can. */ if(current_element !== -1) { while(current_element < node_stack.length) { var new_stack = node_stack.slice(0); var i = new_stack.splice(current_element, 1)[0]; var next_element = new_stack[current_element]; if(typeof next_element !== "undefined") { next_element.optimized = true; } var result_count = $(genPath(new_stack)).length; if(result_count > 1 || result_count == 0) { if(typeof i.index == "undefined") { current_element += 1; } else { current_element += 2; } if(typeof next_element !== "undefined") { next_element.optimized = false; } } else { node_stack = new_stack; } } path = genPath(node_stack); } return path; } }); $("body").css({"margin-bottom": (parseInt($("body").css("margin-bottom").replace("px", "")) + 48) + "px"}); $('
'+ 'ScraperScript Current selector: '+ 'None
Be awesome, make information free :)
'+ '
'+ '
').appendTo("body"); $("*:not(.scraperscript)").each(function(){ $(this).on("click.ScraperScript", function(event){ $("#scraperscript_selector").html($(this).getPath()); event.stopPropagation(); return false; }); $(this).on("keydown.ScraperScript", function(event){ event.stopPropagation(); return false; }); $(this).on("mouseover.ScraperScript", function(event){ $(this).css({"outline": "2px solid red"}); event.stopPropagation(); return false; }); $(this).on("mouseout.ScraperScript", function(event){ $(this).css({"outline": ""}); event.stopPropagation(); return false; }); }); $("form").on("submit.ScraperScript", function(event){ event.stopPropagation(); return false; }); $(".scraperscript:not(#scraperscript_close)").each(function(){ $(this).on("click.ScraperScript", function(event){ event.stopPropagation(); return false; }); $(this).on("mouseover.ScraperScript", function(event){ event.stopPropagation(); return false; }); $(this).on("mouseout.ScraperScript", function(event){ event.stopPropagation(); return false; }); }); $("#scraperscript_close").click(function(){ $("*").each(function(){ $(this).off("click.ScraperScript"); $(this).off("submit.ScraperScript"); $(this).off("keydown.ScraperScript"); $(this).off("mouseover.ScraperScript"); $(this).off("mouseout.ScraperScript"); }); $("#scraperscript_bar").remove(); }); }