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選択できるのは25トピックまでです。 トピックは、先頭が英数字で、英数字とダッシュ('-')を使用した35文字以内のものにしてください。
Sven Slootweg 2f05eb7ded Add website link in the readme. 11年前 Add website link in the readme. 11年前
index.html Make the frontpage nicer and add info to the README 11年前
jquery.js Initial commit 11年前
scraperscript.js Clean up and reflow the code a bit 11年前


A simple bookmarklet that lets you click any element in a page and returns the smallest unique (and reliable) selector it can find for that element.

Licensed under the WTFPL. A working example can be found at

Usecase: Figuring out a CSS-style selector for screenscraping.

How to use the selector: Use your favourite screenscraping library with CSS selector support. If you are using BeautifulSoup, you'll need to use my patched version to have support for :nth-of-type() pseudoselectors as returned by ScraperScript.

How to make it stop killing my input: Just click the X in the ScraperScript bar. ScraperScript will release your input.

How to develop: Modify the bookmarklet to point at a scraperscript.js that is hosted locally. It's loaded with a cachebuster, so you can simply use the same bookmarklet every time you change the local code.

Known bugs:

  • On certain kinds of elements (some submit buttons, some elements with click events), ScraperScript can't prevent the attached event from happening. I'm unsure what causes this.
  • You can't ctrl+C the selector because keyboard input is killed when ScraperScript is running. Needs to be fixed to allow ctrl+C.