You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

382 lines
11 KiB

3 years ago
"use strict";
const Promise = require("bluebird");
const { UniqueViolationError } = require("objection");
const asExpression = require("as-expression");
const { validateArguments } = require("@validatem/core");
const required = require("@validatem/required");
const requireEither = require("@validatem/require-either");
const isString = require("@validatem/is-string");
const isBoolean = require("@validatem/is-boolean");
const isFunction = require("@validatem/is-function");
const isNumber = require("@validatem/is-number");
const arrayOf = require("@validatem/array-of");
const defaultTo = require("@validatem/default-to");
const anyProperty = require("@validatem/any-property");
const anything = require("@validatem/anything");
const ValidationError = require("@validatem/error");
const { addSeconds } = require("date-fns");
const syncpipe = require("syncpipe");
const defaultValue = require("default-value");
function isTX(value) {
if (value.where == null || value.raw == null) {
throw new ValidationError(`Must be a valid Knex or Knex transaction instance`);
function noop() {}
function taskResultsToObject(taskResults) {
return syncpipe(taskResults, [
(_) => [ _.taskName, _.metadata ],
(_) => Object.fromEntries(_)
module.exports = function ({ db }) {
return {
getItem: function (tx, id) {
return Promise.try(() => {
return db.Alias.relatedQuery("item", tx)
}).then((results) => {
if (results.length > 0) {
return results[0];
} else {
throw new Error(`No item exists with ID '${id}'`);
createItem: function (_tx, _options) {
// NOTE: Using `update` instead of `data` makes it an upsert!
// FIXME: Make failIfExists actually work, currently it does nothing as the UNIQUE constraint violation cannot occur for an upsert
let [ tx, { id, tags, aliases, data, update, failIfExists, allowUpsert, parentID }] = validateArguments(arguments, {
tx: [ required, isTX ],
options: [{
id: [ required, isString ],
tags: [ defaultTo([]), arrayOf(isString) ],
aliases: [ defaultTo([]), arrayOf(isString) ],
data: [ anything ], // FIXME: Check for object
update: [ isFunction ],
failIfExists: [ defaultTo(false), isBoolean ],
allowUpsert: [ defaultTo(true), isBoolean ],
parentID: [ isString ]
}, requireEither([ "data", "update" ]) ]
// FIXME: Ensure that we run the transaction in full isolation mode, and retry in case of a conflict
return Promise.try(() => {
// NOTE: We look up by alias, since this is an upsert - and so if the specified ID already exists as an alias, we should update the existing item instead of creating a new one with the specified (aliased) ID
return db.Alias
.relatedQuery("item", tx)
}).then((existingItems) => {
let existingItem = existingItems[0];
let actualID = (existingItem != null)
: id;
let existingData = (existingItem != null)
: {};
let newData = (update != null)
? update(existingData)
: { ... existingData, ... data };
// Make sure to add a self:self alias
let allAliases = aliases.concat([ actualID ]);
let newItem = {
id: actualID,
data: newData,
createdBy: parentID,
tags: => ({ name: tag })),
aliases: => ({ alias: alias })),
updatedAt: new Date()
if (allowUpsert) {
// NOTE: We *always* do upserts here, even if the user specified `data` rather than `update`, because tags and aliases should always be added even if the item itself already exists. We trust the user not to accidentally reuse IDs between different kinds of objects (which would break in various other ways anyway).
return db.Item.query(tx).upsertGraph(newItem, {
insertMissing: true,
noDelete: true
} else {
return db.Item.query(tx).insertGraph(newItem, {
insertMissing: true
}).catch({ name: "UniqueViolationError", table: "items" }, (error) => {
if (failIfExists) {
throw error;
} else {
// Do nothing, just ignore the failure
renameItem: function (_tx, _options) {
// options == to || { from, to }
let [ tx, { to, from }] = validateArguments(arguments, {
tx: [ required, isTX ],
options: [{
to: [ required, isString ],
from: [ required, isString ]
return Promise.all([
db.Item.query(tx).findById(from).patch({ id: to }),
this.createAlias(tx, { from: to, to: to })
repointAliases: function (_tx, _options) {
// { from, to }
let [ tx, { to, from }] = validateArguments(arguments, {
tx: [ required, isTX ],
options: [{
to: [ required, isString ],
from: [ required, isString ]
return db.Alias.query(tx)
.patch({ itemId: to })
.where({ itemId: from });
mergeItem: function (_tx, _options) {
// options = { from, into, merge, mergeMetadata{} }
let [ tx, { from, into, merge, mergeMetadata }] = validateArguments(arguments, {
tx: [ required, isTX ],
options: [{
from: [ required, isString ],
into: [ required, isString ],
merge: [ required, isFunction ],
mergeMetadata: [ defaultTo({}), anyProperty({
key: [ required ],
value: [ required, isFunction ]
return Promise.all([
this.getItem(tx, { id: from }),
this.getItem(tx, { id: into }),
]).then(([ from, into ]) => {
let newData = merge(,;
let fromTaskResults = taskResultsToObject(from.taskResults);
let intoTaskResults = taskResultsToObject(into.taskResults);
// FIXME: Deduplicate function
let allTaskKeys = Array.from(new Set([
... Object.keys(fromTaskResults),
... Object.keys(intoTaskResults)
function selectNewestResult(taskA, taskB) {
if (taskA == null) {
return taskB;
} else if (taskB == null) {
return taskA;
} else if (taskA.updatedAt > taskB.updatedAt) {
return taskA;
} else {
return taskB;
// TODO: Use merge-by-template here instead?
let newTaskResults = => {
let merger = mergeMetadata[key];
let fromTask = fromTaskResults[key];
let intoTask = intoTaskResults[key];
if (merger != null) {
// Generate a new TaskResult that includes data combined from both
let newMetadata = merger(
defaultValue(intoTask.metadata, {}),
defaultValue(fromTask.metadata, {})
return {
... intoTask,
metadata: newMetadata,
} else {
// Take the newest known TaskResult and just make sure that it is pointing at the correct ID
return {
... selectNewestResult(intoTask, fromTask),
let upsertOptions = {
insertMissing: true,
noDelete: true
return Promise.try(() => {
return into.$query(tx).upsertGraph({
data: newData,
taskResults: newTaskResults
}, upsertOptions);
}).then(() => {
// NOTE: Repointing aliases has the side-effect of leaving a redirect from the source to the destination item, as each item has a self:self alias
return this.repointAliases(tx, { from:, to: });
}).then(() => {
// NOTE: We don't use this.deleteItem, to sidestep any alias lookups
return db.Item.query(tx).findById(;
deleteItem: function (_tx, _options) {
// options = none || { id }
let [ tx, { id }] = validateArguments(arguments, {
tx: [ required, isTX ],
options: [{
id: [ required, isString ]
return db.Alias.relatedQuery("item", tx)
// return db.Item.query(tx).findById(id).delete();
createAlias: function (_tx, _options) {
// options = { from, to, failIfExists }
let [ tx, { from, to, failIfExists }] = validateArguments(arguments, {
tx: [ required, isTX ],
options: [{
from: [ required, isString ],
to: [ required, isString ],
failIfExists: [ defaultTo(false), isBoolean ] // TODO: Shouldn't this default to true, for any occurrence outside of a merge/rename?
let promise = db.Alias.query(tx).insert({ alias: from, itemId: to });
if (failIfExists) {
return promise;
} else {
return promise.catch(UniqueViolationError, noop);
deleteAlias: function (_tx, _options) {
let [ tx, { from }] = validateArguments(arguments, {
tx: [ required, isTX ],
options: [{
from: [ required, isString ]
return db.Alias.query(tx).findById(from).delete();
updateData: function (_tx, _options) {
// options = update || { id, update }
let [ tx, { id, update }] = validateArguments(arguments, {
tx: [ required, isTX ],
options: [{
id: [ required, isString ],
update: [ required, isFunction ]
// TODO: Figure out the proper delineation between 'creating' and 'updating' an item
return this.createItem(tx, { id, update });
updateMetadata: function (_tx, _options) {
// options = update || { id, update, taskName }
let [ tx, { id, update, taskName, taskVersion, ttl }] = validateArguments(arguments, {
tx: [ required, isTX ],
options: [{
id: [ required, isString ],
update: [ required, isFunction ],
taskName: [ required, isString ],
taskVersion: [ required, isString ],
ttl: [ isNumber ]
// TODO: failIfExists
// FIXME: metadata_updated_at
return Promise.try(() => {
return db.Alias.query(tx).findById(id);
}).then((alias) => {
let sharedFields = {
isSuccessful: true,
isInvalidated: false,
taskVersion: taskVersion,
updatedAt: new Date(),
expiresAt: (ttl != null)
? addSeconds(new Date(), ttl)
: undefined
if (alias != null) {
return Promise.try(() => {
return db.TaskResult.query(tx).findById([ taskName, alias.itemId ]);
}).then((taskResult) => {
if (taskResult != null) {
return taskResult.$query(tx).patch({
... sharedFields,
metadata: update(taskResult.metadata),
} else {
return db.TaskResult.query(tx).insert({
... sharedFields,
task: taskName,
itemId: id,
metadata: update({})
expire: function (_tx, _options) {
// options = none || { id, taskName }
let [ tx, { id, taskName }] = validateArguments(arguments, {
tx: [ required, isTX ],
options: [{
id: [ required, isString ],
taskName: [ required, isString ]
return db.Alias
.relatedQuery("item.taskResults", tx).for(id)
.where({ taskName: taskName })
.patch({ isInvalidated: true });
setTTL: function (options) {
// options = ttl || { id, taskName, ttl }
allowFailure: function (allowed) {
log: function (category, message) {
countLockedTasks: function (tx) {
return Promise.try(() => {
return db.TaskInProgress.query(tx).count({ count: "*" });
}).then((result) => {
return result[0].count;