You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

80 lines
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"use strict";
const Promise = require("bluebird");
const chalk = require("chalk");
const util = require("util");
function logCall(methodName, args) {
console.log(`${chalk.bold.yellow.bgBlack(`${methodName} (simulated):`)} ${util.inspect(args, { colors: true, depth: null })}`);
// TODO: Make this do an actual database query and then rollback; that way the behaviour is the same as when really modifying the DB, in that earlier operations can affect what later operations see (eg. a createItem followed by a mergeItem involving that new item).
module.exports = function (state) {
const queries = require("../queries")(state);
return function createSimulationMutationAPI({ tx, item, taskVersion }) {
return {
createItem: function (options) {
logCall("createItem", {
... options,
update: (options.update != null)
? options.update(
: undefined
renameItem: function (options) {
logCall("renameItem", {
... options
mergeItem: function (options) {
// FIXME: Visualize merges
logCall("createItem", {
... options
deleteItem: function (options) {
logCall("deleteItem", {
... options
createAlias: function (options) {
logCall("createAlias", {
... options
deleteAlias: function (from) {
logCall("deleteAlias", {
from: from
updateData: function (options) {
logCall("updateData", {
... options,
update: (options.update != null)
? options.update(
: undefined
updateMetadata: function (options) {
return Promise.try(() => {
return queries.getItem(tx, id);
}).then((item) => {
// FIXME: Visualize metadata update, actually merge with the correct thing
// MARKER: Expose taskResults as an object mapping instead of an array, somehow
logCall("updateMetadata", {
... options,
update: (options.update != null)
? options.update(
: undefined
expire: function (options) {
return queries.expire(tx, options);