You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

66 lines
2.2 KiB

"use strict";
const dateFns = require("date-fns");
const pipe = require("@promistream/pipe");
const combineSequentialStreaming = require("@promistream/combine-sequential-streaming");
const fromIterable = require("@promistream/from-iterable");
const fromNodeStream = require("@promistream/from-node-stream");
const createTypeTaggingStream = require("./streams/tag-type");
module.exports = function ({ db, knex }) {
return function (tx, { timestamp, prefix }) {
// NOTE: This returns snake_cased keys! As we're bypassing the Objection internals, no casemapping occurs.
// FIXME/REFACTOR: That needs to be changed in the refactor, for consistency across database backends
// NOTE: This is a hacky workaround - if we don't do this, then for some reason also entries *at* the exact timestamp are included, which is not what we want.
// FIXME: Verify that this doesn't break anything, eg. when an entry is created inbetween the original timestamp and +1ms.
let actualTimestamp = (timestamp != null)
? dateFns.addMilliseconds(timestamp, 1)
: undefined;
function applyWhereClauses(query, idField) {
if (timestamp != null) {
// FIXME: An error in the query here throws an error, resulting in an abort handling bug in a promistream
query = query.whereRaw(`updated_at > ?`, [ actualTimestamp ]);
if (prefix != null) {
query = query.whereRaw(`${idField} LIKE ?`, [ `${prefix.replace(/%/g, "\\%")}%` ]);
return query;
function* streamGenerator() {
yield pipe([
applyWhereClauses(db.Item.query(tx), "id").toKnexQuery().stream()
yield pipe([
// NOTE: We are only interested in aliases which don't point at themselves
applyWhereClauses(db.Alias.query(tx).where("alias", "!=", knex.ref("item_id")), "alias").toKnexQuery().stream()
yield pipe([
applyWhereClauses(db.TaskResult.query(tx), "item_id").toKnexQuery().stream()
return pipe([