import hmac, hashlib, base64, urllib pubkey = "AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE" privkey = "wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY" def sign(key, message): return, message.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha1).digest() class S3SignatureGenerator(object): def set_keys(self, access_key, secret_key): self.access_key = access_key self.secret_key = secret_key def generate(self, verb, bucket, path, headers=[], content_md5="", content_type=""): date = "" elements = [ verb, content_md5, content_type, date ] if len(headers) > 0: elements.append(self.canonicalize_headers(headers)) elements.append(self.canonicalize_resource(bucket, path)) sts = "\n".join() def canonicalize_resource(self, bucket=None, path="", subresources={}): # TODO: Multi-object DELETE parameter? if bucket is None: result = "/%s/" % path else: result = "/%s%s" % (bucket, path) if len(subresources) > 0: subresources = sorted(subresources.items()) subresource_strings = [] for subresource, value in subresources: if subresource in ("acl", "lifecycle", "location", "logging", "notification", "partNumber", "policy", "requestPayment", "torrent", "uploadId", "uploads", "versionId", "versioning", "versions", "website"): if value is None: subresource_strings.append(subresource) else: # Not sure if this is a correct implementation of the encoding... if subresource not in ("response-content-type", "response-content-language", "response-expires", "response-cache-control", "response-content-disposition", "response-content-encoding"): value = urllib.quote(str(value)) subresource_strings.append("%s=%s" % (subresource, value)) if len(subresource_strings) > 0: # Don't add this if there were no qualifying subresource specifiers result += "?%s" % "&".join(subresource_strings) return result def canonicalize_headers(self, ): pass def sign(self, sts): return base64.b64encode(, sts.encode("utf-8"), hashlib.sha1).digest()) s = S3SignatureGenerator() print s.canonicalize_resource("testbucket", "/test/path", subresources={"torrent": None, "abc-id": 4}) #print "AWS %s:%s" % (pubkey, base64.b64encode(sign(privkey, sts)))