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11 years ago
* Todo is more free software. It is licensed under the WTFPL, which
* allows you to do pretty much anything with it, without having to
* ask permission. Commercial use is allowed, and no attribution is
* required. We do politely request that you share your modifications
* to benefit other developers, but you are under no enforced
* obligation to do so :)
* Please read the accompanying LICENSE document for the full WTFPL
* licensing text.
if(!isset($_APP)) { die("Unauthorized."); }
class User extends CPHPDatabaseRecordClass
public $table_name = "users";
public $fill_query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE `Id` = :Id";
public $verify_query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE `Id` = :Id";
public $prototype = array(
'string' => array(
'Username' => "Username",
'Hash' => "Hash",
'Salt' => "Salt"
'numeric' => array(
"CurrentItemId" => "CurrentItemId"
'boolean' => array(
'IsAdmin' => "Admin",
'IsBanned' => "Banned",
'IsGuest' => "Guest"
'timestamp' => array(
"RegistrationDate" => "RegistrationDate",
"LastSeen" => "LastSeen"
'item' => array(
"CurrentItem" => "CurrentItemId"
public function GenerateSalt()
$this->uSalt = random_string(10);
public function GenerateHash()
$this->uHash = $this->CreateHash($this->uPassword);
throw new Exception("User object is missing a password.");
throw new Exception("User object is missing a salt.");
public function CreateHash($input)
global $cphp_config;
$hash = crypt($input, "$5\$rounds=50000\${$this->uSalt}{$cphp_config->salt}$");
$parts = explode("$", $hash);
return $parts[4];
public function VerifyPassword($password)
if($this->CreateHash($password) == $this->sHash)
return true;
return false;
public function Authenticate()
$_SESSION['user_id'] = $this->sId;
$_SESSION['logout_key'] = random_string(32);
$_SESSION['is_admin'] = $this->sIsAdmin;
public function Deauthenticate()
public function SetGlobalVariables()
NewTemplater::SetGlobalVariable("my-username", $this->sUsername);
NewTemplater::SetGlobalVariable("logout-key", $_SESSION['logout_key']);
public static function CheckIfUsernameExists($username)
$result = User::FindByUsername($username);
return true;
catch (NotFoundException $e)
return false;
public static function FindByUsername($username)
return self::CreateFromQuery("SELECT * FROM users WHERE `Username` = :Username", array(':Username' => $username), 0, true);
public function MarkCurrentItemDone()
public function SkipCurrentItem()
public function PickNewItem($must)
$sNewItem = Item::CreateFromQuery("SELECT * FROM items WHERE `UserId` = :UserId AND `Completed` = 0 AND `Must` = :Must ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1",
array(":UserId" => $this->sId, ":Must" => $must), 0, true);
catch (NotFoundException $e)
/* If no item of the desired sort exists, then maybe there's an item of a different type? */
$sNewItem = Item::CreateFromQuery("SELECT * FROM items WHERE `UserId` = :UserId AND `Completed` = 0 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1",
array(":UserId" => $this->sId), 0, true);
catch (NotFoundException $e)
/* Give up. */
$this->uCurrentItemId = 0;
$this->uCurrentItemId = $sNewItem->sId;