"use strict"; const React = require("react"); const asExpression = require("as-expression"); const defaultStyle = require("./style.css"); const useTheme = require("../../util/themeable"); const ListItemContext = require("../../contexts/list-item"); const comparePath = require("../../util/compare-path"); const useClickTimer = require("../../util/use-click-timer"); function Expander({ expanded, onClick }) { let { withTheme } = useTheme({ control: "list", defaultStyle }); return (
{(expanded === true) ? "▼" : "▶"}
); } function ExpanderPlaceholder() { let { withTheme } = useTheme({ control: "list", defaultStyle }); return
; } module.exports = function ListItem({ label, id, children }) { let { onClick, onDoubleClick, path, selectedPath } = React.useContext(ListItemContext); let [ expanded, setExpanded ] = React.useState(true); let { withTheme } = useTheme({ control: "list", defaultStyle }); let doubleClickTimer = useClickTimer(500); let depth = path.length; let indent = depth * 11; // FIXME: Figure out a way to do this with CSS instead, eg. via value exports? let ownPath = path.concat([ id ]); let isSelected = comparePath(selectedPath, ownPath); function handleClick() { if (doubleClickTimer.click()) { if (onDoubleClick != null) { onDoubleClick(ownPath); } else if (children != null) { // TODO: Check whether we really only want to do this when no onDoubleClick handler is specified, ie. only as a default behaviour toggleExpanded(); } } } function handleMouseDown() { if (doubleClickTimer.mouseDown()) { onClick(ownPath); } } function toggleExpanded() { setExpanded((expanded) => !expanded); } let style = { paddingLeft: `${indent}px` }; return ( {/* FIXME: item_selected capitalization */}
{(children != null) ? : }
{(children != null && expanded === true) ? asExpression(() => { let itemContext = { path: ownPath, selectedPath: selectedPath, onClick: onClick, onDoubleClick: onDoubleClick }; return ( {children} ); }) : null}
); };