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var varint = require('./index')
, test = require('tape')
, decode = varint.decode
, encode = varint.encode
, encodingLength = varint.encodingLength
test('fuzz test', function(assert) {
var expect
, encoded
for(var i = 0, len = 100; i < len; ++i) {
expect = randint(0x7FFFFFFF)
encoded = encode(expect)
var data = decode(encoded)
assert.equal(expect, data, 'fuzz test: ' + expect.toString())
10 years ago
assert.equal(decode.bytes, encoded.length)
test('test single byte works as expected', function(assert) {
var buf = new Uint8Array(2)
buf[0] = 172
buf[1] = 2
var data = decode(buf)
assert.equal(data, 300, 'should equal 300')
10 years ago
assert.equal(decode.bytes, 2)
test('test encode works as expected', function(assert) {
var out = []
assert.deepEqual(encode(300), [0xAC, 0x02])
11 years ago
test('test decode single bytes', function(assert) {
var expected = randint(parseInt('1111111', '2'))
var buf = new Uint8Array(1)
buf[0] = expected
var data = decode(buf)
assert.equal(data, expected)
10 years ago
assert.equal(decode.bytes, 1)
11 years ago
test('test decode multiple bytes with zero', function(assert) {
var expected = randint(parseInt('1111111', '2'))
var buf = new Uint8Array(2)
buf[0] = 128
buf[1] = expected
var data = decode(buf)
assert.equal(data, expected << 7)
10 years ago
assert.equal(decode.bytes, 2)
11 years ago
test('encode single byte', function(assert) {
var expected = randint(parseInt('1111111', '2'))
assert.deepEqual(encode(expected), [expected])
10 years ago
assert.equal(encode.bytes, 1)
11 years ago
test('encode multiple byte with zero first byte', function(assert) {
var expected = 0x0F00
assert.deepEqual(encode(expected), [0x80, 0x1E])
10 years ago
assert.equal(encode.bytes, 2)
11 years ago
test('big integers', function (assert) {
var bigs = []
for(var i = 32; i <= 53; i++) (function (i) {
bigs.push(Math.pow(2, i) - 1)
bigs.forEach(function (n) {
var data = encode(n)
console.error(n, '->', data)
assert.equal(decode(data), n)
assert.notEqual(decode(data), n - 1)
test('fuzz test - big', function(assert) {
var expect
, encoded
var MAX_INT = Math.pow(2, 31)
for(var i = 0, len = 100; i < len; ++i) {
expect = randint(MAX_INTD - MAX_INT) + MAX_INT
encoded = encode(expect)
var data = decode(encoded)
assert.equal(expect, data, 'fuzz test: ' + expect.toString())
10 years ago
assert.equal(decode.bytes, encoded.length)
test('encodingLength', function (assert) {
for(var i = 0; i <= 53; i++) {
var n = Math.pow(2, i) - 1
assert.equal(encode(n).length, encodingLength(n))
test('buffer too short', function (assert) {
var value = encode(9812938912312)
var buffer = encode(value)
var l = buffer.length
while(l--) {
try {
var val = decode(buffer.slice(0, l))
} catch (err) {
assert.equal(err.constructor, RangeError)
assert.equal(decode.bytes, 0)
test('buffer too long', function (assert) {
var buffer = Uint8Array.from(
Array.from({length: 150}, function () { return 0xff })
.concat(Array.from({length: 1}, function () { return 0x1 }))
try {
var val = decode(buffer)
encode(val)'expected an error received value instead: ' + val)
} catch (err) {
assert.equal(err.constructor, RangeError)
assert.equal(decode.bytes, 0)
function randint(range) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * range)