#!/usr/bin/python import webshotslib, time to_parse = [] to_parse_count = 0 users = [] users_count = 0 users_last_save = 0 print "Starting...", for category in webshotslib.get_category_listings("http://community.webshots.com/"): to_parse.append(category) to_parse_count += 1 print "\rTotal pages to be parsed: %d" % to_parse_count, for listing_page in webshotslib.get_user_listings(category): to_parse.append(listing_page) to_parse_count += 1 print "\rTotal pages to be parsed: %d" % to_parse_count, time.sleep(0.5) print "" for listing_page in to_parse: for user in webshotslib.get_users(listing_page): if user not in users: users.append(user) users_count += 1 print "\rUsers found: %d" % users_count, if users_count % 1000 < 100 and users_last_save != users_count: userfile = open("users.txt", "w") userfile.write("\n".join(users)) userfile.close() users_last_save = users_count time.sleep(0.5) userfile = open("users.txt", "w") userfile.write("\n".join(users)) userfile.close()