You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

199 lines
6.2 KiB

10 years ago
import html2text, os, sys, email, urllib, re, shutil
from lxml import etree
from datetime import datetime
def rfc822(timestamp):
return datetime.fromtimestamp(email.Utils.mktime_tz(email.Utils.parsedate_tz(timestamp)))
def chomp_indent(text):
return u"\n".join(line.lstrip() for line in text.split(u"\n"))
def markdownize(text):
if "<p>" not in text:
# Old-style posts, these don't have explicit HTML paragraph tags. Let's break it up into paragraphs.
text = text.replace(u"\n<", u"\n\n<") # Add an extra newline before HTML tags at the start of a line, to prevent them from getting caught in a paragraph
text = u"\n\n".join(u"<p>%s</p>" % paragraph for paragraph in re.split(u"\n{2,}", text))
# Don't try to instantiate a single HTML2Text and use it for every post; it will break with a MemoryError
htmlparser = html2text.HTML2Text()
htmlparser.body_width = 0
text = htmlparser.handle(text) # Parse HTML and convert to Markdown
text = re.sub(u"(?<=\))\s*(.+?)(?=\[\/caption\])", u"\n\n*\\1*", text) # Replace captions with italicized text in a new paragraph... best-effort
text = re.sub(u"\[caption [^\]]+\]", u"", text) # Remove WordPress [caption] prefix tags
text = text.replace(u"[/caption]", u"") # ... and the postfix.
return shift_headers(text) # Make every header one level lower, so as to fit in with the headers in the default Jekyll theme
def shift_headers(text):
for x in xrange(6, 0, -1):
text = text.replace(u"\n" + (u"#" * x) + u" ", u"\n" + (u"#" * (x + 2)) + u" ")
return text
xml_path = sys.argv[1]
target_path = sys.argv[2]
shutil.copy("_layouts/page.html", os.path.join(target_path, "_layouts"))
except IndexError, e:
target_path = "."
drafts_path = os.path.join(target_path, "_drafts")
posts_path = os.path.join(target_path, "_posts")
attachments_path = os.path.join(target_path, "attachments")
for path in (posts_path, drafts_path, attachments_path):
except OSError, e:
with open(xml_path, "r") as xml_file:
xml = etree.parse(xml_file)
xmlns = {
"excerpt": "",
"content": "",
"wfw": "",
"dc": "",
"wp": "",
draft_counter = 1
attachments = []
posts = []
pages = []
site_url = xml.xpath("/rss/channel/link/text()")[0]
print "Site URL: %s\n" % site_url
print "Parsing XML..."
for item in xml.xpath("/rss/channel/item"):
post_type = item.xpath("wp:post_type/text()", namespaces=xmlns)[0]
post_title = item.xpath("title/text()", namespaces=xmlns)[0]
post_slug = item.xpath("wp:post_name/text()", namespaces=xmlns)[0]
except IndexError, e:
post_slug = "draft-%s" % str(draft_counter).zfill(3) # Drafts do not have slugs...
draft_counter += 1
if post_type == "attachment":
attachment_url = item.xpath("wp:attachment_url/text()", namespaces=xmlns)[0]
"url": attachment_url,
"filename": attachment_url.split("/")[-1].split("?")[0]
print " attachment: %s" % attachment_url
elif post_type == "page":
post_body = markdownize(item.xpath("content:encoded/text()", namespaces=xmlns)[0])
"title": post_title,
"body": post_body,
"slug": post_slug
print " page: %s" % post_title
elif post_type == "post":
post_status = item.xpath("wp:status/text()", namespaces=xmlns)[0]
post_body = markdownize(item.xpath("content:encoded/text()", namespaces=xmlns)[0])
post_date = rfc822(item.xpath("pubDate/text()", namespaces=xmlns)[0])
post_tags = [tag for tag in item.xpath("category/text()") if tag != "Uncategorized"]
if len(post_tags) == 0:
post_tags = ["untagged"]
"title": post_title,
"body": post_body,
"slug": post_slug,
"status": post_status,
"date": post_date,
"tags": post_tags
if post_status == "draft":
print " draft: %s (%s)" % (post_title, post_date)
elif post_status == "publish":
print " post: %s (%s)" % (post_title, post_date)
print "Replacing image URLs..."
for post in posts + pages:
for attachment in attachments:
post["body"] = post["body"].replace(attachment["url"], os.path.join("{{ site.url }}/attachments", attachment["filename"]))
print "Fixing internal hyperlinks..."
for post in posts + pages:
post["body"] = post["body"].replace(site_url, "../../../..")
print "Downloading attachments..."
for attachment in attachments:
urllib.urlretrieve(attachment["url"], os.path.join(attachments_path, attachment["filename"]))
print " %s" % attachment["url"]
print "Generating Jekyll posts..."
for post in posts:
if post["status"] == "publish":
post_date = post["date"]
with open(os.path.join(posts_path, "" % (post_date.year, unicode(post_date.month).zfill(2), unicode(, post["slug"])), "w") as f:
layout: post
title: "%(title)s"
permalink: %(year)s/%(month)s/%(day)s/%(slug)s
postday: %(year)s/%(month)s/%(day)s
posttime: %(hour)s_%(minute)s
tags: %(tags)s
---\n""" % {
"title": post["title"],
"slug": post["slug"],
"tags": ", ".join(post["tags"]),
"year": post_date.year,
"month": unicode(post_date.month).zfill(2),
"day": unicode(,
"hour": unicode(post_date.hour).zfill(2),
"minute": unicode(post_date.minute).zfill(2)
elif post["status"] == "draft":
post_date = post["date"]
with open(os.path.join(drafts_path, "" % post["slug"]), "w") as f:
layout: post
title: "%(title)s"
tags: %(tags)s
---\n""" % {
"title": post["title"],
"tags": ", ".join(post["tags"])
print "Generating static pages..."
for page in pages:
page_dir = os.path.join(target_path, page["slug"])
except OSError, e:
with open(os.path.join(page_dir, ""), "w") as f:
layout: page
title: "%(title)s"
---\n""" % {
"title": page["title"]
print "Done!"