import html2text, os, sys, email, urllib, re, shutil from lxml import etree from datetime import datetime # def rfc822(timestamp): return datetime.fromtimestamp(email.Utils.mktime_tz(email.Utils.parsedate_tz(timestamp))) def chomp_indent(text): return u"\n".join(line.lstrip() for line in text.split(u"\n")) def markdownize(text): if "
" not in text: # Old-style posts, these don't have explicit HTML paragraph tags. Let's break it up into paragraphs. text = text.replace(u"\n<", u"\n\n<") # Add an extra newline before HTML tags at the start of a line, to prevent them from getting caught in a paragraph text = u"\n\n".join(u"
" % paragraph for paragraph in re.split(u"\n{2,}", text)) # Don't try to instantiate a single HTML2Text and use it for every post; it will break with a MemoryError htmlparser = html2text.HTML2Text() htmlparser.body_width = 0 text = htmlparser.handle(text) # Parse HTML and convert to Markdown text = re.sub(u"(?<=\))\s*(.+?)(?=\[\/caption\])", u"\n\n*\\1*", text) # Replace captions with italicized text in a new paragraph... best-effort text = re.sub(u"\[caption [^\]]+\]", u"", text) # Remove WordPress [caption] prefix tags text = text.replace(u"[/caption]", u"") # ... and the postfix. return shift_headers(text) # Make every header one level lower, so as to fit in with the headers in the default Jekyll theme def shift_headers(text): for x in xrange(6, 0, -1): text = text.replace(u"\n" + (u"#" * x) + u" ", u"\n" + (u"#" * (x + 2)) + u" ") return text xml_path = sys.argv[1] try: target_path = sys.argv[2] shutil.copy("_layouts/page.html", os.path.join(target_path, "_layouts")) except IndexError, e: target_path = "." drafts_path = os.path.join(target_path, "_drafts") posts_path = os.path.join(target_path, "_posts") attachments_path = os.path.join(target_path, "attachments") for path in (posts_path, drafts_path, attachments_path): try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError, e: pass with open(xml_path, "r") as xml_file: xml = etree.parse(xml_file) xmlns = { "excerpt": "", "content": "", "wfw": "", "dc": "", "wp": "", } draft_counter = 1 attachments = [] posts = [] pages = [] site_url = xml.xpath("/rss/channel/link/text()")[0] print "Site URL: %s\n" % site_url print "Parsing XML..." for item in xml.xpath("/rss/channel/item"): post_type = item.xpath("wp:post_type/text()", namespaces=xmlns)[0] post_title = item.xpath("title/text()", namespaces=xmlns)[0] try: post_slug = item.xpath("wp:post_name/text()", namespaces=xmlns)[0] except IndexError, e: post_slug = "draft-%s" % str(draft_counter).zfill(3) # Drafts do not have slugs... draft_counter += 1 if post_type == "attachment": attachment_url = item.xpath("wp:attachment_url/text()", namespaces=xmlns)[0] attachments.append({ "url": attachment_url, "filename": attachment_url.split("/")[-1].split("?")[0] }) print " attachment: %s" % attachment_url elif post_type == "page": post_body = markdownize(item.xpath("content:encoded/text()", namespaces=xmlns)[0]) pages.append({ "title": post_title, "body": post_body, "slug": post_slug }) print " page: %s" % post_title elif post_type == "post": post_status = item.xpath("wp:status/text()", namespaces=xmlns)[0] post_body = markdownize(item.xpath("content:encoded/text()", namespaces=xmlns)[0]) post_date = rfc822(item.xpath("pubDate/text()", namespaces=xmlns)[0]) post_tags = [tag for tag in item.xpath("category/text()") if tag != "Uncategorized"] if len(post_tags) == 0: post_tags = ["untagged"] posts.append({ "title": post_title, "body": post_body, "slug": post_slug, "status": post_status, "date": post_date, "tags": post_tags }) if post_status == "draft": print " draft: %s (%s)" % (post_title, post_date) elif post_status == "publish": print " post: %s (%s)" % (post_title, post_date) print "Replacing image URLs..." for post in posts + pages: for attachment in attachments: post["body"] = post["body"].replace(attachment["url"], os.path.join("{{ site.url }}/attachments", attachment["filename"])) print "Fixing internal hyperlinks..." for post in posts + pages: post["body"] = post["body"].replace(site_url, "../../../..") print "Downloading attachments..." for attachment in attachments: urllib.urlretrieve(attachment["url"], os.path.join(attachments_path, attachment["filename"])) print " %s" % attachment["url"] print "Generating Jekyll posts..." for post in posts: if post["status"] == "publish": post_date = post["date"] with open(os.path.join(posts_path, "" % (post_date.year, unicode(post_date.month).zfill(2), unicode(, post["slug"])), "w") as f: f.write(chomp_indent(u"""--- layout: post title: "%(title)s" permalink: %(year)s/%(month)s/%(day)s/%(slug)s postday: %(year)s/%(month)s/%(day)s posttime: %(hour)s_%(minute)s tags: %(tags)s ---\n""" % { "title": post["title"], "slug": post["slug"], "tags": ", ".join(post["tags"]), "year": post_date.year, "month": unicode(post_date.month).zfill(2), "day": unicode(, "hour": unicode(post_date.hour).zfill(2), "minute": unicode(post_date.minute).zfill(2) }).encode("utf-8")) f.write(post["body"].encode("utf-8")) elif post["status"] == "draft": post_date = post["date"] with open(os.path.join(drafts_path, "" % post["slug"]), "w") as f: f.write(chomp_indent(u"""--- layout: post title: "%(title)s" tags: %(tags)s ---\n""" % { "title": post["title"], "tags": ", ".join(post["tags"]) }).encode("utf-8")) f.write(post["body"].encode("utf-8")) print "Generating static pages..." for page in pages: page_dir = os.path.join(target_path, page["slug"]) try: os.makedirs(page_dir) except OSError, e: pass with open(os.path.join(page_dir, ""), "w") as f: f.write(chomp_indent(u"""--- layout: page title: "%(title)s" ---\n""" % { "title": page["title"] }).encode("utf-8")) f.write(page["body"].encode("utf-8")) print "Done!"