You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

59 lines
1.9 KiB

2 years ago
"use strict";
const matchValue = require("match-value");
const unreachable = require("@joepie91/unreachable")("zapdb-kv");
const stringCoder = require("./string");
const bytesCoder = require("./bytes");
const booleanCoder = require("./boolean");
const integerCoder = require("./integer");
const decimalCoder = require("./decimal");
const createDateCoder = require("./date");
const dateCoder = createDateCoder(false);
const tzDateCoder = createDateCoder(true);
function $unimplemented() {
throw unreachable("Not implemented yet");
function getCoderForType(fieldType, withTimezone) {
return matchValue(fieldType, {
string: stringCoder,
bytes: bytesCoder,
boolean: booleanCoder,
integer: integerCoder,
decimal: decimalCoder,
date: (withTimezone)
? tzDateCoder
: dateCoder,
array: $unimplemented,
object: $unimplemented,
float: $unimplemented,
duration: $unimplemented,
_: () => unreachable(`Unrecognized field type '${fieldType}'`)
module.exports = {
encode: function (fieldType, value, options = {}) {
let { withTimezone, asIndexKey, ... coderOptions } = options;
// TODO: Handle key length constraints; this needs to be handled at a high level since *any* type should be assumed to potentially create a too-long key
// TODO: Figure out how to expose the auxiliaryBlob store to the decoders; maybe we shouldn't, and instead the decoder should just return a key which is handled higher-up?
if (value == null) {
// TODO: Test that this is handled correctly upstream
return null;
} else {
let coder = getCoderForType(fieldType, withTimezone);
return coder.encode(value, asIndexKey, coderOptions);
decode: function (fieldType, buffer, offset, options = {}) {
let { withTimezone, ... coderOptions } = options;
let coder = getCoderForType(fieldType, withTimezone);
return coder.decode(buffer, offset, coderOptions);