import os, argparse, sys, re parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Converts ZippyDoc source files to HTML.') parser.add_argument('files', metavar='FILE', type=str, nargs='+', help='files to convert to HTML') args = parser.parse_args() options = vars(args) files = options["files"] template = """ %s """ class TreeLevel: def __init__(self, indentation, data): self.elements = [] self.indentation = indentation = data def add(self, element): self.elements.append(element) def output(self): return self.render() def render_children(self): child_output = "" for child in self.elements: child_output += child.output() return '
' % child_output def process_inline_markup(self, text): text = re.sub("`([^`]+)`", '\\1', text) # Emphasized text = re.sub("\*\*([^*]+)\*\*", "\\1", text) # Emphasized text = re.sub("__([^_]+)__", "\\1", text) # Strong text = re.sub("{>([^}]+)}\(([^)]+)\)", '\\2', text) # Hyperlink with text text = re.sub("{>([^}]+)}", '\\1', text) # Hyperlink text = re.sub("{([^}]+:[^}]+)}\(([^)]+)\)", '\\2', text) # External hyperlink with text text = re.sub("{([^}]+:[^}]+)}", '\\1', text) # External hyperlink text = re.sub("{<([^}]+)}\(([^)]+)\)", '\\2', text) # Forced external hyperlink with text text = re.sub("{<([^}]+)}", '\\1', text) # Forced external hyperlink return text def fix_preformatted(self, text): return text.replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">") def clear_markup(self, text): return re.sub("\*\*([^*]+)\*\*", "\\1", text) def render(self): return self.render_children() class Example(TreeLevel): def render(self): return '
Example: %s %s
' % (, self.render_children()) class Code(TreeLevel): def render(self): return 'Code:
' % self.fix_preformatted( class Output(TreeLevel): def render(self): return 'Output:
' % self.fix_preformatted( class Definition(TreeLevel): def get_anchor(self): first = self.clear_markup([0]) anchor = first.replace("...", "") anchor = anchor.replace(".", "_") anchor = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]", "", anchor) return anchor def get_description(self): for element in self.elements: if element.__class__.__name__ == "Text": data = self.process_inline_markup( if len(data) > 80: matches = re.match("^(.{0,80})\W", data) return + "..." else: return data return "" def render(self): return '
%s %s
' % (self.get_anchor(), self.process_inline_markup("\n", "
")), self.render_children()) class Exclamation(TreeLevel): def render(self): return '
Important: %s
' % self.process_inline_markup( class Argument(TreeLevel): def __init__(self, indentation, data, argname): self.elements = [] self.indentation = indentation self.argname = argname = data def render(self): return '
' % (self.argname, self.process_inline_markup( class Header(TreeLevel): def __init__(self, indentation, data, depth): self.elements = [] self.indentation = indentation self.depth = depth = data def render(self): if self.depth <= 7: title_type = "h%d" % self.depth else: title_type = "h7" return "<%s>%s" % (title_type,, title_type) class Text(TreeLevel): def render(self): return '
' % self.process_inline_markup( class Index(TreeLevel): def render(self): global toc_items rendered = "" for item in toc_items: forms = first = self.clear_markup(forms[0]) if len(forms) > 1: rest = '(also: ' + ', '.join(self.clear_markup(form) for form in forms[1:]) + ")" else: rest = "" anchor = item.get_anchor() description = item.get_description() rendered += '
  • %s %s %s
  • ' % (anchor, first, description, rest) return '

    Table of contents

    ' % rendered for zpy in files: destination = os.path.splitext(zpy)[0] + ".html" f = open(zpy, "r") data = f.close() paragraphs = re.split("\s*\n\s*\n", data) toc_items = [] current_level = 0 current_paragraph = 0 current_elements = {0: TreeLevel(0, "root")} for paragraph in paragraphs: if paragraph.strip() == "": continue current_paragraph += 1 indentation = len(paragraph) - len(paragraph.lstrip("\t")) + 1 if indentation > current_level + 1: raise Exception("Invalid indentation found in paragraph %d" % current_paragraph) element_type = TreeLevel start = indentation - 1 lines = [line[start:] for line in paragraph.splitlines()] if lines[0].startswith("#"): element_type = Header depth = len(lines[0]) - len(lines[0].lstrip("#")) lines[0] = lines[0].lstrip("# ") data = " ".join(lines) elif lines[0].startswith("^"): element_type = Definition lines[0] = lines[0].lstrip("^ ") data = "\n".join(lines) elif lines[0].startswith("@"): element_type = Example lines[0] = lines[0].lstrip("@ ") data = " ".join(lines) elif lines[0].startswith("$$") and current_elements[current_level].__class__.__name__ == "Code": current_elements[current_level].data += "\n\n" + "\n".join(lines).lstrip("$ ") continue elif lines[0].startswith("$"): element_type = Code lines[0] = lines[0].lstrip("$ ") data = "\n".join(lines) elif lines[0].startswith(">>") and current_elements[current_level].__class__.__name__ == "Output": current_elements[current_level].data += "\n\n" + "\n".join(lines).lstrip("> ") continue elif lines[0].startswith(">"): element_type = Output lines[0] = lines[0].lstrip("> ") data = "\n".join(lines) elif lines[0].startswith("!"): element_type = Exclamation lines[0] = lines[0].lstrip("! ") data = " ".join(lines) elif re.match(".*::\s*$", lines[0]): element_type = Argument argname = lines[0][:-2] data = " ".join(line.lstrip() for line in lines[1:]) elif lines[0].strip() == "{TOC}": element_type = Index data = "" else: element_type = Text data = " ".join(lines) #print "Found element of type %s at indentation %d with data %s" % (element_type.__name__, indentation, data[:80]) if element_type.__name__ == "Header": element = Header(indentation, data, depth) elif element_type.__name__ == "Argument": element = Argument(indentation, data, argname) else: element = element_type(indentation, data) if element_type.__name__ == "Definition": toc_items.append(element) current_elements[indentation - 1].add(element) current_level = indentation current_elements[current_level] = element rendered = template % (current_elements[0].output()) f = open(destination, "w") f.write(rendered) f.close() print "Rendered %s" % destination