You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

54 lines
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"use strict";
const matchValue = require("match-value");
let standardRegex = /^m\.([\s\S]+)$/u;
let userRegex = /^u\.([\s\S]+)$/u;
let clientRegex = /^((?:[^.]+\.){2,})([\s\S]+)$/u;
function parseTag(tag) {
let match;
if (match = standardRegex.exec(tag)) {
return {
type: "standard",
name: matchValue(match[1], {
lowpriority: "isLowPriority",
favourite: "isFavourite",
server_notice: "isServerNoticeRoom"
} else if (match = userRegex.exec(tag)) {
return {
type: "user",
name: match[1]
} else if (match = clientRegex.exec(tag)) {
return {
type: "client",
namespace: match[1],
name: match[2]
} else {
// Legacy, un-namespaced format
return {
type: "user",
name: tag
module.exports = function mapTagEvent(event, _context) {
return {
type: "tagsChanged",
tags: Object.entries(event.content.tags).map(([ tagString, options ]) => {
return {
... parseTag(tagString),
tagString: tagString,
// TODO: Explicitly parse options?
options: options