"use strict"; const isStdioStream = require("../is-stdio-stream"); module.exports = function writeToStream(stream, value) { if (!isStdioStream(stream)) { let canWriteMore = stream.write(value); if (canWriteMore) { return; } else { return new Promise((resolve, _reject) => { stream.once("drain", () => resolve()); }); } } else { // NOTE: According to the `stream-to-pull-stream` code, stdout/stderr behave differently from normal streams, and the `drain` event doesn't work correctly there. So instead, we use the flush callback to know when to write the next bit of data. return new Promise((resolve, _reject) => { stream.write(value, (_error) => { // NOTE: We ignore any errors here, and wait for them to be thrown in the `error` event, to simplify the logic. resolve(); }); }); } };