"use strict"; const Promise = require("bluebird"); const Aborted = require("@ppstreams/aborted"); const { validateOptions } = require("@validatem/core"); const required = require("@validatem/required"); const isFunction = require("@validatem/is-function"); const wrapValueAsOption = require("@validatem/wrap-value-as-option"); module.exports = function simpleSource(_options) { let { onRequest, onAbort } = validateOptions(arguments, [ required, wrapValueAsOption("onRequest"), { onRequest: [ required, isFunction ], onAbort: [ isFunction ] } ]); let errorReason; let peekQueue = []; return { description: `simple source`, peek: function peekValue_simpleSource() { return Promise.try(() => { if (errorReason != null) { return true; } else { // FIXME: Store Promises in the peekQueue instead? Or would this make it more difficult to deal with concurrent peeks/reads? And should the peek spec be changed to account for this? return Promise.try(() => { return onRequest(); }).then((result) => { peekQueue.push({ type: "value", value: result }); }).catch((error) => { peekQueue.push({ type: "error", error: error }); }).then(() => { // FIXME: What if there's an EndOfStream marker being produced? Or an abort? Or some other sort of failure? Shouldn't that return/produce something *other than* `true`? return true; }); } }); }, read: function produceValue_simpleSource() { return Promise.try(() => { if (peekQueue.length > 0) { /* FIXME: Move all this logic out into an itemBuffer abstraction of some sort (also useful in from-node-stream?) */ let item = peekQueue.shift(); if (item.type === "value") { return item.value; } else if (item.type === "error") { throw item.error; } else { throw new Error(`Found a queue item of type '${item.type}'; this is a bug in @ppstreams/simple-source, please report it`); } } else { if (errorReason != null) { if (errorReason === true) { throw new Aborted("Stream was aborted"); } else if (errorReason instanceof Error) { throw new Aborted(`Stream was aborted due to error: ${errorReason.message}`, {reason: errorReason}); } } else { return onRequest(); } } }); }, abort: function abort_simpleSource(reason) { return Promise.try(() => { if (errorReason == null) { if (reason === true || reason instanceof Error) { errorReason = reason; if (onAbort != null) { return onAbort(reason); } } else { throw new Error("You must specify a reason (either `true` or an Error object) when aborting a stream"); } } else { // FIXME: Require this behaviour in the spec? Or is there a composability-related reason to permit/require quietly ignoring this, to make it idempotent? throw new Error(`The stream is already aborted`); } }); } }; };