You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

189 lines
4.9 KiB

"use strict";
const bhttp = require("bhttp");
const got = require("got");
const assureResponse = require("./lib/shared/assure-response");
let state = {
session: bhttp.session({
headers: {
"user-agent": (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production")
? " crawler ("
: " crawler, development mode ("
// For HTTP/2, until bhttp gains HTTP/2 support
gotSession: got.extend({
http2: true,
headers: {
// "user-agent": " beta crawler (contact/problems:"
"user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:87.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/87.0"
hooks: {
afterResponse: [(response) => {
return response;
module.exports = {
backend: "postgresql",
database: {
host: "/run/postgresql",
database: "seekseek_documentation",
pool: {
max: 75
seed: [{
id: "st:home",
tags: [ "st:home" ],
data: {}
}, {
id: "lcsc:home",
tags: [ "lcsc:home" ],
data: {}
}, {
id: "mouser:sitemap:index",
tags: [ "mouser:sitemap" ],
data: { url: "" }
}, {
id: "tme:sitemap:index",
tags: [ "tme:sitemap" ],
data: { url: "" }
// TODO: Delete derived sitemap entries
}, {
id: "farnell:sitemap:index",
tags: [ "farnell:sitemap" ],
data: { url: "" }
// TODO: Delete derived sitemap entries
}, {
id: "focus-lcds:home",
tags: [ "focus-lcds:home" ],
data: {}
tags: {
"st:home": [ "st:findCategories" ],
"st:category": [ "st:scrapeCategory" ],
"st:product": [ "st:scrapeProduct", "st:normalizeProduct" ],
"lcsc:home": [ "lcsc:findCategories" ],
"lcsc:category": [ "lcsc:scrapeCategory" ],
"lcsc:product": [ "lcsc:normalizeProduct" ],
"tme:sitemap": [ "tme:scrapeSitemap" ],
"tme:product": [ "tme:scrapeProduct", "tme:normalizeProduct" ],
"farnell:sitemap": [ "farnell:scrapeSitemap" ],
"farnell:product": [ "farnell:scrapeProduct", "farnell:normalizeProduct" ],
"focus-lcds:home": [ "focus-lcds:findCategories" ],
"focus-lcds:category": [ "focus-lcds:scrapeCategory" ],
"focus-lcds:product": [ "focus-lcds:scrapeProduct", "focus-lcds:normalizeProduct" ],
tasks: {
// ST Microelectronics
"st:findCategories": {
ttl: "15d",
run: require("./lib/st/task/find-categories")(state)
"st:scrapeCategory": {
ttl: "1d",
taskInterval: "60s",
version: "2",
run: require("./lib/st/task/scrape-category")(state)
"st:scrapeProduct": {
ttl: "15d",
taskInterval: "5s",
run: require("./lib/st/task/scrape-product")(state)
"st:normalizeProduct": {
dependsOn: [ "st:scrapeProduct" ],
version: "8",
parallelTasks: 50,
run: require("./lib/st/task/normalize-product")(state)
// FIXME: Commenting out a bunch of tasks but not removing them from the tag assignments will result in an error, but will *not* exit the program. That's probably not right?
"lcsc:findCategories": {
ttl: "30d",
version: "1",
run: require("./lib/lcsc/task/find-categories")(state)
"lcsc:scrapeCategory": {
ttl: "30d",
taskInterval: "1m",
run: require("./lib/lcsc/task/scrape-category")(state)
"lcsc:normalizeProduct": {
version: "7",
parallelTasks: 50,
run: require("./lib/lcsc/task/normalize-product")(state)
// Mouser
"mouser:scrapeSitemap": {
taskInterval: "30s",
run: require("./lib/mouser/task/scrape-sitemap")(state)
"tme:scrapeSitemap": {
ttl: "3d",
taskInterval: "30s",
run: require("./lib/tme/task/scrape-sitemap")(state)
"tme:scrapeProduct": {
ttl: "60d",
taskInterval: "500ms",
run: require("./lib/tme/task/scrape-product")(state)
"tme:normalizeProduct": {
dependsOn: [ "tme:scrapeProduct" ],
version: "5",
parallelTasks: 50,
run: require("./lib/tme/task/normalize-product")(state)
// Farnell
"farnell:scrapeSitemap": {
ttl: "3d",
taskInterval: "30s",
run: require("./lib/farnell/task/scrape-sitemap")(state)
"farnell:scrapeProduct": {
ttl: "60d",
taskInterval: "500ms",
run: require("./lib/farnell/task/scrape-product")(state)
"farnell:normalizeProduct": {
dependsOn: [ "farnell:scrapeProduct" ],
version: "1",
parallelTasks: 50,
run: require("./lib/farnell/task/normalize-product")(state)
// Focus LCDs
"focus-lcds:findCategories": {
ttl: "60d",
run: require("./lib/focus-lcds/task/find-categories")(state)
"focus-lcds:scrapeCategory": {
ttl: "15d",
taskInterval: "1m",
run: require("./lib/focus-lcds/task/scrape-category")(state)
"focus-lcds:scrapeProduct": {
ttl: "15d",
taskInterval: "5s",
run: require("./lib/focus-lcds/task/scrape-product")(state)
"focus-lcds:normalizeProduct": {
dependsOn: [ "focus-lcds:scrapeProduct" ],
parallelTasks: 50,
run: require("./lib/focus-lcds/task/normalize-product")(state)