You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

46 lines
1.6 KiB

"use strict";
const url = require("url");
const assureResponse = require("../../shared/assure-response");
const surgeon = require("../../shared/surgeon-utils");
const extractModelNumber = require("../../shared/extract-model-number");
module.exports = function scrapeProduct({ session }) {
return async function({ data, updateData, expireDependents }) {
let response = await session.get(data.url);
let body = response.body.toString();
let itemData = surgeon({
name: [ `selectOne "meta[property='og:title']" | readAttr content`, extractModelNumber ],
manufacturer: `selectMaybeOne "[itemprop='brand']" | text | ignoreEmptyString`,
description: [
`selectMaybeOne "meta[name='description']" | readAttr content`,
// Get rid of the keyword spam...
(description) => description.split(",")[0]
image: `selectMaybeOne "meta[property='og:image']" | readAttr content`,
price: `selectMaybeOne .productView-price .price--withoutTax | text`,
datasheetURL: [
`selectMaybeOne ".productView-info a[href^='/content/']" | readAttr href`,
(relativeURL) => (!/^\/content\/?$/.test(relativeURL))
? url.resolve("", relativeURL)
: null // Ignore when the datasheet URL is *just* /content/, as that means there is no datasheet for this product
technicalSpecs: [ `selectAny "#tab-description .productView-info-name"`, {
name: `text`,
value: `nextUntil ".productView-info-name" ".productView-info-value" | index 0 | text`
}, body);
updateData((oldData) => ({
... oldData,
itemData: itemData