You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

203 lines
6.0 KiB

"use strict";
const assert = require("assert");
const cheerio = require("cheerio");
const syncpipe = require("syncpipe");
const url = require("url");
const pipe = require("@promistream/pipe");
const simpleSink = require("@promistream/simple-sink");
const assureResponse = require("../../shared/assure-response");
const parseSitemapResponse = require("../../shared/parse-sitemap-response");
const createDatasheet = require("../../shared/create-datasheet");
function firstMatch(options) {
for (let option of options) {
if (option != null && option !== "") {
return option;
module.exports = function ({ session }) {
return {
seed: [{
id: "tme:sitemap:index",
tags: [ "tme:sitemap" ],
data: { url: "" }
// TODO: Delete derived sitemap entries
tags: {
"tme:sitemap": [ "tme:scrapeSitemap" ],
"tme:product": [ "tme:scrapeProduct", "tme:normalizeProduct" ],
tasks: {
"tme:scrapeSitemap": {
ttl: "3d",
taskInterval: "30s",
run: async function ({ data, createItem, deleteItem }) {
let response = await session.get(data.url, { stream: true });
let resultCount = 0;
await pipe([
simpleSink((item) => {
if (item.type === "sitemap") {
// NOTE: We are only interested in the sitemaps that enumerate components, not those that list categories etc.
if (/pip_part[0-9]+\.xml(\.gz)?/.test(item.url)) {
id: `tme:sitemap:${item.url}`,
tags: [ "tme:sitemap" ],
data: { url: item.url }
resultCount += 1;
} else if (item.type === "url") {
if (item.url.startsWith("")) {
id: `tme:product:${item.url}`,
tags: [ "tme:product" ],
data: { url: item.url }
resultCount += 1;
// If we don't get at least *some* items out of a sitemap, something is wrong - eg. the URL format changed and we are no longer matching anything.
assert(resultCount > 0);
// FIXME: Do this here? Or is there a reason *not* to delete the sitemap entry?
// deleteItem();
"tme:scrapeProduct": {
ttl: "60d",
taskInterval: "500ms",
run: async function ({ data, createAlias, updateData, expireDependents }) {
let response = await session.get(data.url);
let $ = cheerio.load(response.body);
// FIXME: This is currently broken!
let allMetaHeaders = syncpipe($("h2.o-semantic-only-header").toArray(), [
(_) => => {
let $header = $(header);
return [
(_) => Object.fromEntries(_)
let descriptionElement = $(".c-pip__description > h2").eq(0);
let itemData = {
productID: $("h2.c-pip__symbol--tme .c-pip__symbol-value").eq(0).text().trim(),
manufacturer: $("a.pip__product-header-title").eq(0).text().trim(),
model: firstMatch([
$("h2.c-pip__symbol--producer .c-pip__symbol-value").eq(0).text().trim(), // Manufacturer part number
$("h2.c-pip__symbol--tme .c-pip__symbol-value").eq(0).text().trim(), // TME Symbol
description: (descriptionElement.children().length === 0) // This skips meta fields if there is no description element
? descriptionElement.text().trim()
: null,
documents: $("div.c-pip__document > a").toArray()
.map((link) => {
let relativeLink = $(link).attr("href");
if (relativeLink != null) {
return {
description: $(link).text().trim(),
url: url.resolve(
} else {
// Probably a video popup
return null;
.filter((item) => {
return item != null;
// TODO: Scrape prices
assert(itemData.productID != null);
assert(itemData.manufacturer != null);
assert(itemData.model != null);
createAlias({ from: `tme:product:${itemData.productID}` });
updateData((oldData) => ({
... oldData,
itemData: itemData
"tme:normalizeProduct": {
dependsOn: [ "tme:scrapeProduct" ],
version: "5",
parallelTasks: 50,
run: async function (api) {
let { data } = api;
function isEnglish(document) {
return /\sen\s*$/i.test(document.description);
if (data.itemData.documents.length > 0) {
if (typeof data.itemData.documents[0] === "string") {
// Temporary workaround for the dependsOn not taking into account task versions, and some old records existing with a wrong documents structure
let manufacturer = data.itemData.manufacturer;
let modelName = data.itemData.model;
let description = data.itemData.description;
let productID = data.itemData.productID;
let firstEnglish = data.itemData.documents.find((document) => isEnglish(document));
let bestDocument = (firstEnglish != null)
? firstEnglish
: data.itemData.documents[0];
let bestDocumentIsEnglish = isEnglish(bestDocument);
createDatasheet(api, {
priority: (bestDocumentIsEnglish)
? 0.6
: 0.5,
source: "tme",
manufacturer: manufacturer,
productID: productID,
name: modelName,
description: description,
url: bestDocument.url,
// NOTE: Most (but not all!) manufacturers on TME are, incorrectly, in ALL-CAPS. This 'fixes' those cases through best-effort capitalization. Many (but less!) will still be wrong and need to be fixed later.
fixCasing: true