# @validatem/is-positive *This validator is designed to be used with [Validatem](https://validatem.cryto.net/), the universal and composable validation library.* Validates that a given input is a positive number. Note that this only works on numbers, not numeric strings; if you have a numeric string, you should use [@validatem/is-numeric](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@validatem/is-numeric) to validate and parse it first. ## License, donations, and other boilerplate Licensed under either the [WTFPL](http://www.wtfpl.net/txt/copying/) or [CC0](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/), at your choice. In practice, that means it's more or less public domain, and you can do whatever you want with it. Giving credit is *not* required, but still very much appreciated! I'd love to [hear from you](mailto:admin@cryto.net) if this module was useful to you. Creating and maintaining open-source modules is a lot of work. A donation is also not required, but much appreciated! You can donate [here](http://cryto.net/~joepie91/donate.html). ## Example A runnable version of this example is included in the repository, as `example.js`. ```js "use strict"; const { validateValue } = require("@validatem/core"); const isPositive = require("@validatem/is-positive"); console.log(validateValue(42, [ isPositive ])); // 42 console.log(validateValue(-12, [ isPositive ])); /* AggregrateValidationError: One or more validation errors occurred: - At (root): Must be a positive number */ ``` ## API __If you are new to Validatem,__ please read the documentation on the [Validatem website](https://validatem.cryto.net/) first - it will explain how the general API works, and how you should use validator modules with it. ### isPositive Not callable. Validates that the input is a positive number. When validation passes, it returns the original number as-is. Possible error codes: - __validatem.is-number.number:__ The input was not a number. - __validatem.is-number.nan:__ The input was NaN. - __validatem.is-positive:__ The input was a number, but not a positive one. ## Changelog ### 1.0.0 (August 8, 2020) Initial release.