4 Commits (master)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Sven Slootweg 008e6d1e73 0.1.1 2 years ago
Sven Slootweg 6351c00e6b Make compatible with both old and new plugin versions 2 years ago
Jan Tojnar 17e76d772c Upgrade to PostCSS 8
The PostCSS 7’ `postcss.plugin` method has been deprecated in favour of manually created function returning an object containing various event handling functions like `Once`, `Declaration`, `Rule` and many more.

- module.exports = postcss.plugin('postcss-dark-theme-class', (opts = {}) => {
-   checkOpts(opts)
-   return (root, result) => {
      root.walkAtRules(atrule => { … })
-   }
- })

+ module.exports = (opts = {}) => {
+   checkOpts(opts)
+   return {
+     postcssPlugin: 'postcss-dark-theme-class',
+     Once (root, { result }) {
        root.walkAtRules(atrule => { … })
+     }
+   }
+ }
+ module.exports.postcss = true

2 years ago
Sven Slootweg 61b6a18b43 Initial commit 4 years ago