You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

544 B



Base commads (simple CRUD):

  • show dashboard
  • show all apps
    • with codes
    • without codes
  • show code for app
  • add app (title, subtitle, key)
  • rename app
  • delete app
  • clear database
$ totp dash
$ totp list
$ totp show-all
$ totp show APPNAME
$ totp add APPNAME KEY # ask for key interactively?
$ totp delete APPNAME # with confirmation
$ totp rename APPNAME NEWNAME
$ totp eradicate # with non-trivial confirmation


  • completion
  • encription with (manual or with keychain)
  • password caching