VPS plan submission page

Note: submitting providers or plans does not require registration yet, but every submission will be reviewed before becoming visible. Typically this happens within 1 or 2 days. Since we have no way of contacting you, check back after 2 days to see if your submissions have appeared yet. If not, there was probably an issue with your submission, and you should submit it again with correct details. If you need any help on filling in the submission forms, feel free to drop into IRC and ask joepie91 for help.

Add provider
Add plan
uName = $_POST['name']; $provider->uUrl = $_POST['url']; $provider->uCompanyLocation = $_POST['location']; $provider->uPlanCount = 0; $provider->uUsesMaxmind = 2; $provider->uCustomPossible = false; $provider->uVisible = false; $provider->sSubmissionDate = time(); $provider->InsertIntoDatabase(); //header("Location: quickadd.php?action=plan&sub={$provider->sId}"); echo("
Your submission has been added and will be reviewed shortly. sId}\">Click here to add plans for the provider you just added.
"); } ?>
Provider Name


Company location (NOT server location!)

data as $row) { $provider = new Provider($row); echo("sId}\">{$provider->sName}
"); } } else { // form $provider_id = $_GET['sub']; $provider = new Provider($provider_id); if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { // process $price_defined = false; foreach($_POST['months'] as $month) { if(!empty($month)) { $price_defined = true; } } if($price_defined === false) { die("You did not specify any billing periods / prices. Go back and try again."); } $plan = new Plan(0); $plan->uProviderId = $provider_id; $plan->uName = $_POST['name']; $plan->uGuaranteedRam = $_POST['guaranteed']; $plan->uBurstRam = $_POST['burst']; $plan->uDiskSpace = $_POST['disk']; $plan->uTraffic = $_POST['traffic']; $plan->uBandwidth = $_POST['bandwidth']; $plan->uBackupSpace = $_POST['backup']; $plan->uCpuCores = $_POST['cores']; $plan->uAllowsIrc = (isset($_POST['irc'])) ? 1 : 0; $plan->uIsUnmetered = isset($_POST['unmetered']); $plan->uHasIpv4 = isset($_POST['ipv4']); $plan->uHasIpv6 = isset($_POST['ipv6']); $plan->uFreeDns = isset($_POST['dns']); $plan->uOverageBilling = isset($_POST['overage']); $plan->uDedicatedCpu = isset($_POST['dedicated_cores']); $plan->uVirtualizationPlatformId = $_POST['platform']; $plan->uVisible = false; $plan->sLastUpdate = time(); $plan->sSubmissionDate = time(); $plan->InsertIntoDatabase(); for($i = 0; $i < count($_POST['months']); $i++) { if(!empty($_POST['months'][$i])) { $price = new PlanPriceOption(0); $price->uBillingPeriod = $_POST['months'][$i]; $price->uPrice = $_POST['price'][$i] * 100; $price->uPlanId = $plan->sId; $price->InsertIntoDatabase(); } } echo("
Your submission has been added and will be reviewed shortly.
"); } $platform_list = ""; $result = mysql_query_cached("SELECT * FROM virtualizationplatforms"); foreach($result->data as $row) { $platform = new VirtualizationPlatform($row); $platform_list .= ""; } echo("

Add new plan for {$provider->sName}

"); ?>

NOTE: Please only add plans in different locations as separate plans, if the specifications are different. If only the location differs, list them as 1 plan! Location data is coming soon.

NOTE: No discount plans/codes please, only plans that are listed on the website permanently.

Plan Name
Please use the same name as on your website
Virtualization platform
Your platform not listed? Contact joepie91 on IRC.
Guaranteed/dedicated RAM
Burst RAM
Using OpenVZ Burst RAM? Enter your amount of burst RAM including the guaranteed RAM.
Using swap or vSwap? Enter the TOTAL amount of guaranteed RAM + the amount of swap/vSwap. A better method to indicate this will be added in the very near future.
Not using burst, swap, or vSwap? Leave this field empty.
Disk space
Unmetered? Leave the input field empty and tick the checkbox.
Unmetered for either only inbound or outbound? Enter the traffic for the metered part.
Port speed / bandwidth (NOT traffic!)
No defined amount of cores, or fair-share based on other specs? Leave this field empty.

Free backup space
Backup space per customer, rather than per plan? Just enter the backup space per customer, and ensure your website clearly states that backup space is per customer.
Backup space only on ticket request? Just fill in this field. It's recommended to clearly indicate this on your website.

Billing periods

For multiple-month billing periods, be sure to enter the TOTAL price for all those months together, and NOT the (discounted) price per month.

$ per months
$ per months
$ per months
$ per months
$ per months
data as $row) { $plan = new Plan($row); echo("sId}\">[{$plan->sProvider->sName}] {$plan->sName}
"); } } else { $plan_id = $_GET['plan']; $plan = new Plan($plan_id); if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { for($i = 0; $i < count($_POST['months']); $i++) { if(!empty($_POST['months'][$i])) { $price = new PlanPriceOption(0); $price->uBillingPeriod = $_POST['months'][$i]; $price->uPrice = $_POST['price'][$i] * 100; $price->uPlanId = $plan_id; $price->InsertIntoDatabase(); } } echo("Done!
"); } ?>

Billing options for sName} ({$plan->sProvider->sName})"); ?>

$ per months
$ per months
$ per months
$ per months
$ per months