You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

38 lines
830 B

"use strict";
const { run } = require( "@futagoza/child-process" );
const { series, src, task } = require( "@futagoza/gulpx" );
const eslint = require( "gulp-eslint" );
const del = require( "del" );
// Run ESLint on all JavaScript files.
task( "lint", () => [
6 years ago
src( [
6 years ago
] ),
eslint( { dotfiles: true } ),
6 years ago
] );
// Generate the grammar parser.
task( "build:parser", () =>
run( "node packages/pegjs/bin/peg -c src/pegjs.config.js" )
// Delete the generated files.
task( "clean", () =>
del( [ "packages/pegjs/dist", "website/js/*-bundle.js", "examples/*.js" ] )