Position tracking: Kill the |trackLineAndColumn| option

Getting rid of the |trackLineAndColumn| simplifies the code generator
(by unifying two paths in the code).

The |line| and |column| functions currently always compute all the
position info from scratch, which is horribly ineffective. This will be
improved in later commit(s).
David Majda 12 years ago
parent da8c455640
commit 3333cdd18d

@ -75,8 +75,6 @@ You can tweak the generated parser with several options:
* `--cache` — makes the parser cache results, avoiding exponential parsing
time in pathological cases but making the parser slower
* `--track-line-and-column` — makes the parser track line and column
(available as `line` and `column` variables in the actions and predicates)
* `--allowed-start-rules` — comma-separated list of rules the parser will be
allowed to start parsing from (default: the first rule in the grammar)
@ -105,9 +103,6 @@ object to `PEG.buildParser`. The following options are supported:
* `cache` — if `true`, makes the parser cache results, avoiding exponential
parsing time in pathological cases but making the parser slower (default:
* `trackLineAndColumn` — if `true`, makes the parser track line and column
(available as `line` and `column` variables in the actions and predicates)
(default: `false`)
* `allowedStartRules` — rules the parser will be allowed to start parsing from
(default: the first rule in the grammar)
* `output` — if set to `"parser"`, the method will return generated parser
@ -289,10 +284,8 @@ the initializer at the beginning of the grammar.
The code inside the predicate can also access the current parse position using
the `offset` function. It returns a zero-based character index into the input
string. If the `trackLineAndColumn` option was set to `true` when the parser was
generated (or `--track-line-and-column` was used on the command line), the code
can also access the current line and column using the `line` and `column`
functions. Both return one-based indexes.
string. The code can also access the current line and column using the `line`
and `column` functions. Both return one-based indexes.
The code inside the predicate can also access options passed to the parser using
the `options` variable.
@ -313,10 +306,8 @@ the initializer at the beginning of the grammar.
The code inside the predicate can also access the current parse position using
the `offset` function. It returns a zero-based character index into the input
string. If the `trackLineAndColumn` option was set to `true` when the parser was
generated (or `--track-line-and-column` was used on the command line), the code
can also access the current line and column using the `line` and `column`
functions. Both return one-based indexes.
string. The code can also access the current line and column using the `line`
and `column` functions. Both return one-based indexes.
The code inside the predicate can also access options passed to the parser using
the `options` variable.
@ -352,11 +343,9 @@ must be balanced.
The code inside the action can also access the parse position at the beginning
of the action's expression using the `offset` function. It returns a zero-based
character index into the input string. If the `trackLineAndColumn` option was
set to `true` when the parser was generated (or `--track-line-and-column` was
used on the command line), the code can also access the line and column at the
beginning of the action's expression using the `line` and `column` functions.
Both return one-based indexes.
character index into the input string. The code can also access the line and
column at the beginning of the action's expression using the `line` and `column`
functions. Both return one-based indexes.
The code inside the action can also access options passed to the parser using
the `options` variable.

@ -30,5 +30,5 @@ a, a:visited { color: #3d586c; }
background-color: #f0f0f0;
#options #run-count { width: 3em; }
#options #cache, #options #track-line-and-column { margin-left: 2em; }
#options #cache { margin-left: 2em; }
#options #run { width: 5em; margin-left: 2em; }

@ -13,8 +13,6 @@
<input type="text" id="run-count" value="10"> times
<input type="checkbox" id="cache">
<label for="cache">Use results cache</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="track-line-and-column">
<label for="track-line-and-column">Track line and column</label>
<input type="button" id="run" value="Run">

@ -63,8 +63,7 @@ $("#run").click(function() {
var options = {
cache: $("#cache").is(":checked"),
trackLineAndColumn: $("#track-line-and-column").is(":checked")
cache: $("#cache").is(":checked"),
Runner.run(benchmarks, runCount, options, {
@ -106,7 +105,7 @@ $("#run").click(function() {
start: function() {
$("#run-count, #cache, #track-line-and-column, #run").attr("disabled", "disabled");
$("#run-count, #cache, #run").attr("disabled", "disabled");
$("#results-table tr").slice(1).remove();
@ -123,7 +122,7 @@ $("#run").click(function() {
$.scrollTo("max", { axis: "y", duration: 500 });
$("#run-count, #cache, #track-line-and-column, #run").removeAttr("disabled");
$("#run-count, #cache, #run").removeAttr("disabled");

@ -81,7 +81,6 @@ function printHelp() {
util.puts(" -n, --run-count <n> number of runs (default: 10)");
util.puts(" --cache make tested parsers cache results");
util.puts(" --track-line-and-column make tested parsers track line and column");
function exitSuccess() {
@ -112,7 +111,7 @@ function nextArg() {
/* Main */
var runCount = 10;
var options = { trackLineAndColumn: false };
var options = { };
while (args.length > 0 && isOption(args[0])) {
switch (args[0]) {
@ -132,10 +131,6 @@ while (args.length > 0 && isOption(args[0])) {
options.cache = true;
case "--track-line-and-column":
options.trackLineAndColumn = true;
case "-h":
case "--help":

@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ function printHelp() {
util.puts(" object will be stored (default:");
util.puts(" \"module.exports\")");
util.puts(" --cache make generated parser cache results");
util.puts(" --track-line-and-column make generated parser track line and column");
util.puts(" --allowed-start-rules <rules> comma-separated list of rules the generated");
util.puts(" parser will be allowed to start parsing");
util.puts(" from (default: the first rule in the");
@ -73,7 +72,6 @@ function readStream(inputStream, callback) {
var exportVar = "module.exports";
var options = {
cache: false,
trackLineAndColumn: false,
output: "source"
@ -92,10 +90,6 @@ while (args.length > 0 && isOption(args[0])) {
options.cache = true;
case "--track-line-and-column":
options.trackLineAndColumn = true;
case "--allowed-start-rules":
if (args.length === 0) {

@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ module.exports = function(ast, options) {
options = utils.clone(options);
utils.defaults(options, {
cache: false,
trackLineAndColumn: false,
allowedStartRules: [ast.startRule]
@ -333,10 +332,10 @@ module.exports = function(ast, options) {
' startRule = #{string(options.allowedStartRules[0])};',
' }',
' ',
' #{posInit("pos")};',
' #{posInit("reportedPos")};',
' var pos = 0;',
' var reportedPos = 0;',
' var reportFailures = 0;', // 0 = report, anything > 0 = do not report
' #{posInit("rightmostFailuresPos")};',
' var rightmostFailuresPos = 0;',
' var rightmostFailuresExpected = [];',
' #if options.cache',
' var cache = {};',
@ -372,56 +371,24 @@ module.exports = function(ast, options) {
' }',
' ',
' function offset() {',
' return #{posOffset("reportedPos")};',
' return reportedPos;',
' }',
' ',
' function line() {',
' return computePosDetails(reportedPos).line;',
' }',
' ',
' function column() {',
' return computePosDetails(reportedPos).column;',
' }',
' ',
' #if options.trackLineAndColumn',
' function line() {',
' return reportedPos.line;',
' }',
' ',
' function column() {',
' return reportedPos.column;',
' }',
' ',
' function clone(object) {',
' var result = {};',
' for (var key in object) {',
' result[key] = object[key];',
' }',
' return result;',
' }',
' ',
' function advance(pos, n) {',
' var endOffset = pos.offset + n;',
' ',
' for (var offset = pos.offset; offset < endOffset; offset++) {',
' var ch = input.charAt(offset);',
' if (ch === "\\n") {',
' if (!pos.seenCR) { pos.line++; }',
' pos.column = 1;',
' pos.seenCR = false;',
' } else if (ch === "\\r" || ch === "\\u2028" || ch === "\\u2029") {',
' pos.line++;',
' pos.column = 1;',
' pos.seenCR = true;',
' } else {',
' pos.column++;',
' pos.seenCR = false;',
' }',
' }',
' ',
' pos.offset += n;',
' }',
' ',
' #end',
' function matchFailed(failure) {',
' if (#{posOffset("pos")} < #{posOffset("rightmostFailuresPos")}) {',
' if (pos < rightmostFailuresPos) {',
' return;',
' }',
' ',
' if (#{posOffset("pos")} > #{posOffset("rightmostFailuresPos")}) {',
' rightmostFailuresPos = #{posClone("pos")};',
' if (pos > rightmostFailuresPos) {',
' rightmostFailuresPos = pos;',
' rightmostFailuresExpected = [];',
' }',
' ',
@ -447,38 +414,36 @@ module.exports = function(ast, options) {
' return cleanExpected;',
' }',
' ',
' #if !options.trackLineAndColumn',
' function computeErrorPosition() {',
' /*',
' * The first idea was to use |String.split| to break the input up to the',
' * error position along newlines and derive the line and column from',
' * there. However IE\'s |split| implementation is so broken that it was',
' * enough to prevent it.',
' */',
' ',
' var line = 1;',
' var column = 1;',
' var seenCR = false;',
' ',
' for (var i = 0; i < Math.max(pos, rightmostFailuresPos); i++) {',
' var ch = input.charAt(i);',
' if (ch === "\\n") {',
' if (!seenCR) { line++; }',
' column = 1;',
' seenCR = false;',
' } else if (ch === "\\r" || ch === "\\u2028" || ch === "\\u2029") {',
' line++;',
' column = 1;',
' seenCR = true;',
' } else {',
' column++;',
' seenCR = false;',
' }',
' function computePosDetails(pos) {',
' /*',
' * The first idea was to use |String.split| to break the input up to the',
' * error position along newlines and derive the line and column from',
' * there. However IE\'s |split| implementation is so broken that it was',
' * enough to prevent it.',
' */',
' ',
' var line = 1;',
' var column = 1;',
' var seenCR = false;',
' ',
' for (var i = 0; i < pos; i++) {',
' var ch = input.charAt(i);',
' if (ch === "\\n") {',
' if (!seenCR) { line++; }',
' column = 1;',
' seenCR = false;',
' } else if (ch === "\\r" || ch === "\\u2028" || ch === "\\u2029") {',
' line++;',
' column = 1;',
' seenCR = true;',
' } else {',
' column++;',
' seenCR = false;',
' }',
' ',
' return { line: line, column: column };',
' }',
' #end',
' ',
' return { line: line, column: column };',
' }',
' ',
' #if node.initializer',
' #block emit(node.initializer)',
@ -492,32 +457,28 @@ module.exports = function(ast, options) {
' * 1. The parser successfully parsed the whole input.',
' *',
' * - |result !== null|',
' * - |#{posOffset("pos")} === input.length|',
' * - |pos === input.length|',
' * - |rightmostFailuresExpected| may or may not contain something',
' *',
' * 2. The parser successfully parsed only a part of the input.',
' *',
' * - |result !== null|',
' * - |#{posOffset("pos")} < input.length|',
' * - |pos < input.length|',
' * - |rightmostFailuresExpected| may or may not contain something',
' *',
' * 3. The parser did not successfully parse any part of the input.',
' *',
' * - |result === null|',
' * - |#{posOffset("pos")} === 0|',
' * - |pos === 0|',
' * - |rightmostFailuresExpected| contains at least one failure',
' *',
' * All code following this comment (including called functions) must',
' * handle these states.',
' */',
' if (result === null || #{posOffset("pos")} !== input.length) {',
' var offset = Math.max(#{posOffset("pos")}, #{posOffset("rightmostFailuresPos")});',
' if (result === null || pos !== input.length) {',
' var offset = Math.max(pos, rightmostFailuresPos);',
' var found = offset < input.length ? input.charAt(offset) : null;',
' #if options.trackLineAndColumn',
' var errorPosition = #{posOffset("pos")} > #{posOffset("rightmostFailuresPos")} ? pos : rightmostFailuresPos;',
' #else',
' var errorPosition = computeErrorPosition();',
' #end',
' var errorPosition = computePosDetails(Math.max(pos, rightmostFailuresPos));',
' ',
' throw new this.SyntaxError(',
' cleanupExpected(rightmostFailuresExpected),',
@ -573,10 +534,10 @@ module.exports = function(ast, options) {
rule: [
'function parse_#{node.name}() {',
' #if options.cache',
' var cacheKey = "#{node.name}@" + #{posOffset("pos")};',
' var cacheKey = "#{node.name}@" + pos;',
' var cachedResult = cache[cacheKey];',
' if (cachedResult) {',
' pos = #{posClone("cachedResult.nextPos")};',
' pos = cachedResult.nextPos;',
' return cachedResult.result;',
' }',
' ',
@ -589,7 +550,7 @@ module.exports = function(ast, options) {
' #if options.cache',
' ',
' cache[cacheKey] = {',
' nextPos: #{posClone("pos")},',
' nextPos: pos,',
' result: #{r(node.expression.resultIndex)}',
' };',
' #end',
@ -614,18 +575,18 @@ module.exports = function(ast, options) {
action: [
'#{r(node.posIndex)} = pos;',
'#block emit(node.expression)',
'if (#{r(node.resultIndex)} !== null) {',
' reportedPos = #{posClone(r(node.posIndex))};',
' reportedPos = #{r(node.posIndex)};',
' #{r(node.resultIndex)} = (function(#{keys(node.params).join(", ")}) {#{node.code}})(#{map(values(node.params), r).join(", ")});',
'if (#{r(node.resultIndex)} === null) {',
' #{posRestore(node)};',
' pos = #{r(node.posIndex)};',
sequence: [
'#{r(node.posIndex)} = pos;',
'#block code'
"sequence.iteration": [
@ -634,26 +595,26 @@ module.exports = function(ast, options) {
' #block code',
'} else {',
' #{r(node.resultIndex)} = null;',
' #{posRestore(node)};',
' pos = #{r(node.posIndex)};',
"sequence.inner": [
'#{r(node.resultIndex)} = [#{map(pluck(node.elements, "resultIndex"), r).join(", ")}];'
simple_and: [
'#{r(node.posIndex)} = pos;',
'#block emit(node.expression)',
'if (#{r(node.resultIndex)} !== null) {',
' #{r(node.resultIndex)} = "";',
' #{posRestore(node)};',
' pos = #{r(node.posIndex)};',
'} else {',
' #{r(node.resultIndex)} = null;',
simple_not: [
'#{r(node.posIndex)} = pos;',
'#block emit(node.expression)',
@ -661,15 +622,15 @@ module.exports = function(ast, options) {
' #{r(node.resultIndex)} = "";',
'} else {',
' #{r(node.resultIndex)} = null;',
' #{posRestore(node)};',
' pos = #{r(node.posIndex)};',
semantic_and: [
'reportedPos = #{posClone("pos")};',
'reportedPos = pos;',
'#{r(node.resultIndex)} = (function(#{keys(node.params).join(", ")}) {#{node.code}})(#{map(values(node.params), r).join(", ")}) ? "" : null;'
semantic_not: [
'reportedPos = #{posClone("pos")};',
'reportedPos = pos;',
'#{r(node.resultIndex)} = (function(#{keys(node.params).join(", ")}) {#{node.code}})(#{map(values(node.params), r).join(", ")}) ? null : "";'
optional: [
@ -705,9 +666,9 @@ module.exports = function(ast, options) {
' #if !node.ignoreCase',
' #if node.value.length === 1',
' if (input.charCodeAt(#{posOffset("pos")}) === #{node.value.charCodeAt(0)}) {',
' if (input.charCodeAt(pos) === #{node.value.charCodeAt(0)}) {',
' #else',
' if (input.substr(#{posOffset("pos")}, #{node.value.length}) === #{string(node.value)}) {',
' if (input.substr(pos, #{node.value.length}) === #{string(node.value)}) {',
' #end',
' #else',
@ -718,14 +679,14 @@ module.exports = function(ast, options) {
* meaning the result of lowercasing a character can be more
* characters.
' if (input.substr(#{posOffset("pos")}, #{node.value.length}).toLowerCase() === #{string(node.value.toLowerCase())}) {',
' if (input.substr(pos, #{node.value.length}).toLowerCase() === #{string(node.value.toLowerCase())}) {',
' #end',
' #if !node.ignoreCase',
' #{r(node.resultIndex)} = #{string(node.value)};',
' #else',
' #{r(node.resultIndex)} = input.substr(#{posOffset("pos")}, #{node.value.length});',
' #{r(node.resultIndex)} = input.substr(pos, #{node.value.length});',
' #end',
' #{posAdvance(node.value.length)};',
' #{node.value.length > 1 ? "pos += " + node.value.length : "pos++"};',
' } else {',
' #{r(node.resultIndex)} = null;',
' if (reportFailures === 0) {',
@ -735,9 +696,9 @@ module.exports = function(ast, options) {
"class": [
'if (#{regexp}.test(input.charAt(#{posOffset("pos")}))) {',
' #{r(node.resultIndex)} = input.charAt(#{posOffset("pos")});',
' #{posAdvance(1)};',
'if (#{regexp}.test(input.charAt(pos))) {',
' #{r(node.resultIndex)} = input.charAt(pos);',
' pos++;',
'} else {',
' #{r(node.resultIndex)} = null;',
' if (reportFailures === 0) {',
@ -746,9 +707,9 @@ module.exports = function(ast, options) {
any: [
'if (input.length > #{posOffset("pos")}) {',
' #{r(node.resultIndex)} = input.charAt(#{posOffset("pos")});',
' #{posAdvance(1)};',
'if (input.length > pos) {',
' #{r(node.resultIndex)} = input.charAt(pos);',
' pos++;',
'} else {',
' #{r(node.resultIndex)} = null;',
' if (reportFailures === 0) {',
@ -777,34 +738,6 @@ module.exports = function(ast, options) {
vars.r = function(index) { return "r" + index; };
/* Position-handling macros */
if (options.trackLineAndColumn) {
vars.posInit = function(name) {
return "var "
+ name
+ " = "
+ "{ offset: 0, line: 1, column: 1, seenCR: false }";
vars.posClone = function(name) { return "clone(" + name + ")"; };
vars.posOffset = function(name) { return name + ".offset"; };
vars.posAdvance = function(n) { return "advance(pos, " + n + ")"; };
} else {
vars.posInit = function(name) { return "var " + name + " = 0"; };
vars.posClone = function(name) { return name; };
vars.posOffset = function(name) { return name; };
vars.posAdvance = function(n) {
return n === 1 ? "pos++" : "pos += " + n;
vars.posSave = function(node) {
return vars.r(node.posIndex) + " = " + vars.posClone("pos");
vars.posRestore = function(node) {
return "pos" + " = " + vars.posClone(vars.r(node.posIndex));
return templates[name](vars);

@ -96,6 +96,14 @@ module.exports = (function(){
return reportedPos;
function line() {
return computePosDetails(reportedPos).line;
function column() {
return computePosDetails(reportedPos).column;
function matchFailed(failure) {
if (pos < rightmostFailuresPos) {
@ -2817,7 +2825,7 @@ module.exports = (function(){
return cleanExpected;
function computeErrorPosition() {
function computePosDetails(pos) {
* The first idea was to use |String.split| to break the input up to the
* error position along newlines and derive the line and column from
@ -2829,7 +2837,7 @@ module.exports = (function(){
var column = 1;
var seenCR = false;
for (var i = 0; i < Math.max(pos, rightmostFailuresPos); i++) {
for (var i = 0; i < pos; i++) {
var ch = input.charAt(i);
if (ch === "\n") {
if (!seenCR) { line++; }
@ -2881,7 +2889,7 @@ module.exports = (function(){
if (result === null || pos !== input.length) {
var offset = Math.max(pos, rightmostFailuresPos);
var found = offset < input.length ? input.charAt(offset) : null;
var errorPosition = computeErrorPosition();
var errorPosition = computePosDetails(Math.max(pos, rightmostFailuresPos));
throw new this.SyntaxError(

@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
describe("generated parser", function() {
function vary(names, block) {
var values = {
trackLineAndColumn: [false, true],
cache: [false, true]
var values = { cache: [false, true] };
function varyStep(names, options) {
var clonedOptions = {}, key, name, i;
@ -35,7 +32,7 @@ describe("generated parser", function() {
function varyAll(block) {
vary(["cache", "trackLineAndColumn"], block);
vary(["cache"], block);
beforeEach(function() {
@ -267,30 +264,28 @@ describe("generated parser", function() {
expect(parser).toParse("ab", ["a", 1]);
if (options.trackLineAndColumn) {
it("can use the |line| and |column| functions to get the current line and column", function() {
var parser = PEG.buildParser([
'{ var result; }',
'start = line (nl+ line)* { return result; }',
'line = thing (" "+ thing)*',
'thing = digit / mark',
'digit = [0-9]',
'mark = "x" { result = [line(), column()]; }',
'nl = ("\\r" / "\\n" / "\\u2028" / "\\u2029")'
].join("\n"), options);
it("can use the |line| and |column| functions to get the current line and column", function() {
var parser = PEG.buildParser([
'{ var result; }',
'start = line (nl+ line)* { return result; }',
'line = thing (" "+ thing)*',
'thing = digit / mark',
'digit = [0-9]',
'mark = "x" { result = [line(), column()]; }',
'nl = ("\\r" / "\\n" / "\\u2028" / "\\u2029")'
].join("\n"), options);
expect(parser).toParse("1\n2\n\n3\n\n\n4 5 x", [7, 5]);
expect(parser).toParse("1\n2\n\n3\n\n\n4 5 x", [7, 5]);
/* Non-Unix newlines */
expect(parser).toParse("1\rx", [2, 1]); // Old Mac
expect(parser).toParse("1\r\nx", [2, 1]); // Windows
expect(parser).toParse("1\n\rx", [3, 1]); // mismatched
/* Non-Unix newlines */
expect(parser).toParse("1\rx", [2, 1]); // Old Mac
expect(parser).toParse("1\r\nx", [2, 1]); // Windows
expect(parser).toParse("1\n\rx", [3, 1]); // mismatched
/* Strange newlines */
expect(parser).toParse("1\u2028x", [2, 1]); // line separator
expect(parser).toParse("1\u2029x", [2, 1]); // paragraph separator
/* Strange newlines */
expect(parser).toParse("1\u2028x", [2, 1]); // line separator
expect(parser).toParse("1\u2029x", [2, 1]); // paragraph separator
it("can use variables defined in the initializer", function() {
var parser = PEG.buildParser([
@ -431,30 +426,28 @@ describe("generated parser", function() {
expect(parser).toParse("a", ["a", ""]);
if (options.trackLineAndColumn) {
it("can use the |line| and |column| functions to get the current line and column", function() {
var parser = PEG.buildParser([
'{ var result; }',
'start = line (nl+ line)* { return result; }',
'line = thing (" "+ thing)*',
'thing = digit / mark',
'digit = [0-9]',
'mark = &{ result = [line(), column()]; return true; } "x"',
'nl = ("\\r" / "\\n" / "\\u2028" / "\\u2029")'
].join("\n"), options);
it("can use the |line| and |column| functions to get the current line and column", function() {
var parser = PEG.buildParser([
'{ var result; }',
'start = line (nl+ line)* { return result; }',
'line = thing (" "+ thing)*',
'thing = digit / mark',
'digit = [0-9]',
'mark = &{ result = [line(), column()]; return true; } "x"',
'nl = ("\\r" / "\\n" / "\\u2028" / "\\u2029")'
].join("\n"), options);
expect(parser).toParse("1\n2\n\n3\n\n\n4 5 x", [7, 5]);
expect(parser).toParse("1\n2\n\n3\n\n\n4 5 x", [7, 5]);
/* Non-Unix newlines */
expect(parser).toParse("1\rx", [2, 1]); // Old Mac
expect(parser).toParse("1\r\nx", [2, 1]); // Windows
expect(parser).toParse("1\n\rx", [3, 1]); // mismatched
/* Non-Unix newlines */
expect(parser).toParse("1\rx", [2, 1]); // Old Mac
expect(parser).toParse("1\r\nx", [2, 1]); // Windows
expect(parser).toParse("1\n\rx", [3, 1]); // mismatched
/* Strange newlines */
expect(parser).toParse("1\u2028x", [2, 1]); // line separator
expect(parser).toParse("1\u2029x", [2, 1]); // paragraph separator
/* Strange newlines */
expect(parser).toParse("1\u2028x", [2, 1]); // line separator
expect(parser).toParse("1\u2029x", [2, 1]); // paragraph separator
it("can use variables defined in the initializer", function() {
var parser = PEG.buildParser([
@ -515,30 +508,28 @@ describe("generated parser", function() {
expect(parser).toParse("a", ["a", ""]);
if (options.trackLineAndColumn) {
it("can use the |line| and |column| functions to get the current line and column", function() {
var parser = PEG.buildParser([
'{ var result; }',
'start = line (nl+ line)* { return result; }',
'line = thing (" "+ thing)*',
'thing = digit / mark',
'digit = [0-9]',
'mark = !{ result = [line(), column()]; return false; } "x"',
'nl = ("\\r" / "\\n" / "\\u2028" / "\\u2029")'
].join("\n"), options);
it("can use the |line| and |column| functions to get the current line and column", function() {
var parser = PEG.buildParser([
'{ var result; }',
'start = line (nl+ line)* { return result; }',
'line = thing (" "+ thing)*',
'thing = digit / mark',
'digit = [0-9]',
'mark = !{ result = [line(), column()]; return false; } "x"',
'nl = ("\\r" / "\\n" / "\\u2028" / "\\u2029")'
].join("\n"), options);
expect(parser).toParse("1\n2\n\n3\n\n\n4 5 x", [7, 5]);
expect(parser).toParse("1\n2\n\n3\n\n\n4 5 x", [7, 5]);
/* Non-Unix newlines */
expect(parser).toParse("1\rx", [2, 1]); // Old Mac
expect(parser).toParse("1\r\nx", [2, 1]); // Windows
expect(parser).toParse("1\n\rx", [3, 1]); // mismatched
/* Non-Unix newlines */
expect(parser).toParse("1\rx", [2, 1]); // Old Mac
expect(parser).toParse("1\r\nx", [2, 1]); // Windows
expect(parser).toParse("1\n\rx", [3, 1]); // mismatched
/* Strange newlines */
expect(parser).toParse("1\u2028x", [2, 1]); // line separator
expect(parser).toParse("1\u2029x", [2, 1]); // paragraph separator
/* Strange newlines */
expect(parser).toParse("1\u2028x", [2, 1]); // line separator
expect(parser).toParse("1\u2029x", [2, 1]); // paragraph separator
it("can use variables defined in the initializer", function() {
var parser = PEG.buildParser([
